105 CMR, § 164.044

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 164.044 - Training and Supervision
(A) The Licensed or Approved Provider shall provide ongoing staff training and supervision to all staff, including clinical staff, qualified health care professionals, relief staff, interns, volunteers, contractors and others, in accordance with 105 CMR 164.044(B). The Licensed or Approved Provider shall have a written plan for supervision sufficient to meet the needs of staff, patients and residents which shall specify the frequency and goals of supervision for all staff, and which shall provide that all direct care staff requiring clinical supervision receive clinical supervision from appropriately licensed staff qualified to deliver supervision, and that supervision is documented.
(B) The Licensed or Approved Provider shall have a written plan for ongoing in- service training of all personnel. The plan shall include the following:
(1) orientation and ongoing supervision of employees regarding policies and procedures of the program, including at a minimum program operations; state and federal confidentiality laws; professional ethics, including staff-patient and staff-resident boundaries and boundaries for relationships between and among patients and residents; behavioral management; record keeping; internal incident reporting and investigation; and the reporting of abuse and neglect of children, the elderly and disabled persons; and
(2) over the course of a year, monthly scheduled in-service training sessions in accordance with Department guidance on, at a minimum:
(a) program's All Hazards Emergency Response Plan;
(b) HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and Viral Hepatitis;
(c) universal health precautions and infection control;
(d) substance use disorders including tobacco and nicotine addiction, clinical assessment and diagnosis; treatment planning; relapse prevention and aftercare planning; overdose risk assessment and prevention;
(e) co-occurring disorders, including mental health disorders, gambling and other addictive behaviors, and mechanisms for ensuring coordination of care related to all co-occurring disorders, including risk assessments and creation of safety plans;
(f) other topics specific to the requirements of the service type and/or the population served;
(g) effects of substance use disorders on the family and related topics such as the role of the family in treatment and recovery;
(h) cultural competency including culturally and linguistically appropriate services (CLAS) or standards;
(i) the benefits and risks of all clinically appropriate medication for addiction treatment options, as well as the risks and benefits of not receiving treatment;
(j) abuse and neglect reporting requirements; and
(k) professional ethics, including staff-patient and staff-resident boundaries and boundaries for relationships between and among patients and residents.
(C) The Licensed or Approved Provider shall provide specific training, as specified by the Department, for the Access, HIV/AIDS and Tobacco Education Coordinators.
(D) The Licensed or Approved Provider shall maintain a record of all in-service training sessions provided, including topic, date, duration and attendance.

105 CMR, § 164.044

Amended by Mass Register Issue 1305, eff. 1/29/2016.
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1482, eff. 11/11/2022.