105 CMR, § 140.306

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 140.306 - Serious Complaint Procedure

Each clinic shall develop a written procedure that ensuring prompt and complete investigations of all serious complaints filed against the clinic, employees of the clinic or members of its professional staff. The procedure shall include, at a minimum, the following provisions:

(A) Designation of a senior member of the clinic administration as the person responsible for overseeing the investigation of serious complaints lodged against the clinic, an employee or member of the professional staff;
(B) Establishment of a reporting procedure ensuring the designated administrator will receive from clinical staff written reports of serious complaints within one day of the clinic's receipt of the serious complaint;
(C) Development by the designated administrator of a written process of investigation, which shall include the following:
(1) A process of fact-gathering, including provision for interviewing of the complainant, patient, and relevant witnesses;
(2) Creation of a complaint file that includes the original report of complaint, progress reports as investigation is carried out and outcome of investigation including action taken, if any;
(3) Notification of the complainant of the outcome of the investigation.
(D) The complaint files shall be available for inspection by agents of the Department.

105 CMR, § 140.306

Amended by Mass Register Issue 1443, eff. 5/14/2021.