105 CMR, § 140.131

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 140.131 - Grounds for Denial, Refusal to Renew or Revocation of a License or Part of License

Each of the following, in and of itself, shall constitute full and adequate grounds on which to deny, revoke, or refuse to renew a license to operate a clinic in whole or in part with respect to a specific service or specific services or a part or parts thereof:

(A) Lack of legal capacity to provide the service(s) to be covered by a license.
(B) Lack of responsibility and suitability to operate a clinic.
(C) Failure to submit the required license fee.
(D) Violation of any state or federal statute or regulation pertaining to operation of the clinic.
(E) Violation of any applicable provision of 105 CMR 140.000 and:
(1) Failure to submit an acceptable plan of correction pursuant to 105 CMR 140.113; or
(2) Failure to remedy or correct a cited violation by the date specified in the plan of correction as accepted or modified by the Department.
(F) Willful misrepresentation of information or data submitted to the Department or any other agency of the Commonwealth.
(G) Denial of the right of agents of the Department to visit and inspect.
(H) Provision of services as defined in 105 CMR 140.020 for which the clinic is not licensed.

105 CMR, § 140.131

Amended by Mass Register Issue 1443, eff. 5/14/2021.