105 CMR, § 120.852

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 120.852 - Procedures for Review of Application for Facility Closure and Closure Plan
(A) The Department shall conduct a public meeting on the final closure plan at times to be determined after consultation with the Board in each site community, and other public meetings in neighboring communities upon request by the chief executive office of such community. The Board shall participate in each such public meeting.
(B) The Department shall accept written comments on the submitted plan from any interested person within 45 days of public notice of the availability of the plan. Prior to its acceptance of the plan, the Department shall consider and evaluate all comments made at a public meeting or submitted in writing.
(C) Upon review and consideration of an application for closure, the Department shall permit closure of the facility if there is assurance that the long-term performance objectives set forth in 105 CMR 120.814 will be met during post closure observation and maintenance and institutional control of the facility.

105 CMR, § 120.852