102 CMR, § 12.02
As used in 102 CMR 12.00, the following words shall have the following meaning unless the context otherwise requires:
Award. The notification to an employer of the State's decision to enter into a contract with said employer for the procurement of goods or services.
Child. A child of the employee under age 13 for whom the employee is entitled to claim an exemption on his or her federal income tax return; a dependent 13 years of age through 21 years of age inclusive for whom the employee is entitled to claim an exemption on his or her federal income tax return who is physically incapable of caring for himself or herself, and who regularly spends at least eight hours each day in the employee's household; or a child of the employee who is not a dependent but who regularly is in the employee's legal or physical custody for at least six months of the year.
Contract. A legally binding and enforceable written agreement to provide goods or services in consideration of compensation to be paid by the State. For the purposes 102 CMR 12.00, the term "Contract" shall not refer to:
(a) grants-in-aid;
(b) Provider Participation Agreements issued under the State's Medical Assistance (Medicaid) Program;
(c) amendments, renewals, and extensions of contracts, as defined by applicable statutes and procurement regulations, awarded prior to July 1, 1992;
(d) procurement of goods or services pursuant to 802 CMR 2.28(PD); or
(e) procurement in which funds are earmarked by law for a specifically identified contractor or class of contractors.
Exempt Employer. Any employer which certifies that it employs fewer than 50 full-time (35 hours per week) employees on the date of the award of the contract.
Legal Child Care. Care and supervision of infants and children licensed pursuant to M.G.L. c. 28A or otherwise permitted by applicable law, arranged for the purpose of allowing the employee to be gainfully employed. Examples of such care and supervision include the following: in-home care providers, au pair services, care by relatives, homemaker services, family day care homes, group day care homes, day care centers, preschool programs, nursery schools, private kindergartens, before and after-school programs, temporary shelter care programs and programs which offer night care, and summer day camps for children.
Near-site. The child care facility is within three miles or 15 minutes travel time, whichever is less.
On-site. On the premises.
Placement. A reserved slot at a legal child care facility that meets the needs of the child(ren) of the employees.
Qualified Employer. An employer which certifies that it has established a dependent care assistance program which may be a cafeteria plan whose benefits include a dependent care assistance program, or child care tuition assistance, or on-site or near-site subsidized child care placements to its employees.
Qualifying Individual. A child of the employee under age 13 for whom the employee is entitled to claim an exemption on his or her federal income tax return; a dependent for whom the employee is entitled to claim an exemption on his or her federal income tax return who is physically or mentally incapable of caring for himself or herself, and who regularly spends at least eight hours each day in the employee's household; the employee's spouse who is physically or mentally in capable of self-care and who regularly spends at least eight hours each day in the employee's household; or a child of the employee who is not a dependent but who regularly is in the employee's legal or physical custody for at least six months of the year.
Secretary. The Secretary of the State's Executive Office for Administration and Finance or his or her designee.
State. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and any authority established as a public instrumentality of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Subsidized Child Care. Child care provided by an employer or another at less than the actual charge for child care at that particular child care facility.
Tuition Assistance. Monetary assistance by an employer to or on behalf of employees toward the cost of providing child care. Such assistance may include vouchers, cash assistance, or reimbursement.
102 CMR, § 12.02