As used in 101 CMR 425.00, unless the context requires otherwise, terms have the meanings in 101 CMR 425.02.
Client. An individual that receives young parent support services purchased by a governmental unit.
Cost Report. The document used to report costs and other financial and statistical data. The Uniform Financial Statements and Independent Auditor's Report (UFR) is used when required.
Enrollment Completion. An enrollment payment occurs when a YPP enrollee has been accepted into the Young Parent Program by the contractor and has participated in program activities for a minimum of 40 hours. The official enrollment date reflects the date of the start of participation, at a minimum 100% attendance.
EOHHS. The Executive Office of Health and Human Services established under M.G.L. c. 6A.
Governmental Unit. The Commonwealth, any board, commission, department, division, or agency of the Commonwealth and any political subdivision of the Commonwealth.
Outcome Completion. Achievement of a high school diploma or HiSETT. At a minimum, eight weeks at 100% attendance is required prior to completion. An outcome can also be defined as a job placement, acceptance into skills training, acceptance into a community college, transitioning to a college program, a progress payment with two grade levels of improvement, work program placement, full employment program placement, or high school placement. Outcome completions are further defined by the purchasing agency in the scope of services and contracts.
Placement Completion. The start date of the placement must occur while the participant is actively participating in YPP or within 90 days of a reimbursable completion (HiSETT). A placement is counted as a completion only after 30 days of employment. Placement completions are further defined by the purchasing agency in the scope of services and contracts.
Provider. Any individual, group, partnership, trust, corporation, or other legal entity that offers services for purchase by a governmental unit and that meets the conditions of purchase or licensure that have been adopted by a purchasing governmental unit.
Reporting Year. The provider's fiscal year for which costs incurred are reported to the Operational Services Division on the Uniform Financial Statements and Independent Auditor's Report (UFR).
Young Parent Program. The Young Parent Program (YPP) is a part of the Department of Transitional Assistance's Employment Services Program (ESP). These services are provided for Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC) participants. The YPP is directed toward reducing welfare dependency among young parents, 14 through 24 years of age, who have not achieved a high school diploma or its equivalent.
101 CMR, § 425.02