As used in 101 CMR 416.00, unless the context requires otherwise, terms have the meanings in 101 CMR 416.02.
Average Daily Attendance. A measure of the average number of clients served each day by a program. The average daily attendance is assigned to the program based on prior fiscal year attendance data.
Client. An adult for whom a governmental unit purchases clubhouse services.
Clubhouse Services. Services provided under a clubhouse program to individuals with behavioral and/or mental health issues, including employment, educational, social, and support services. Clubhouse services assist individuals to develop social networking, independent living, budgeting, self-care, and other skills that will assist them to live in the community and to secure and retain employment.
Cost Report. The document used to report costs and other financial and statistical data. The Uniform Financial Statements and Independent Auditor's Report (UFR) is used when required.
EOHHS. The Executive Office of Health and Human Services established under M.G.L. c. 6A.
Governmental Unit. The Commonwealth, any board, commission, department, division, or agency of the Commonwealth, and any political subdivision of the Commonwealth.
Provider. Any individual, group, partnership, trust, corporation, or other legal entity that offers clubhouse services for purchase by a governmental unit and that meets the conditions of purchase or licensure that have been or may be adopted by a purchasing governmental unit.
Reporting Year. The provider's fiscal year for which costs incurred are reported to the Operational Services Division on the Uniform Financial Statements and Independent Auditor's Report (UFR).
Service Day. A service day is the unit of service used to bill the governmental unit. In general, a service day is a day during which an enrolled client either participates in a clubhouse services activity or activities related to a specific goal or objective documented in the client's Action Plan. The governmental unit will determine the specific events and conditions that qualify as billable activity. A provider can invoice only one unit of service per member per day.
State Funding. The aggregate state fiscal year amount of payments to a provider by a governmental unit for services purchased at rates established in 101 CMR 416.00. State funding does not include any amounts attributable to federal funding or grant funds.
Workforce Initiatives. Funds directed to a provider for workforce development.
101 CMR, § 416.02