9 C.F.R. § 113.113

Current through November 30, 2024
Section 113.113 - Autogenous biologics

Autogenous biologics shall be prepared from cultures of microorganisms which have been inactivated and are nontoxic. Such products shall be prepared only for use by or under the direction of a veterinarian under a veterinarian-client-patient relationship, Provided, That, such products may be prepared for use under the direction of a person of appropriate expertise in specialized situations such as aquaculture, if approved by the Administrator.

Each serial of an autogenous biologic shall meet the requirements in this section, and if found unsatisfactory by any prescribed test shall not be used.

(a)Seed requirements. The microorganisms used as seed to prepare autogenous biologics shall be microorganisms which are isolated from sick or dead animals in the herd of origin and which there is reason to believe are the causative agent(s) of the current disease affecting such animals.
(1) More than one microorganism isolated from the same herd may be used as seed.
(2) Under normal circumstances, microorganisms from one herd must not be used to prepare an autogenous biologic for another herd. The Administrator, however, may authorize preparation of an autogenous biologic for use in herds adjacent to the herd of origin, when adjacent herds are considered to be at risk. To request authorization to prepare a product for use in herds adjacent to the herd of origin, the establishment seeking authorization must submit to the Administrator (in c/o the Director, Center for Veterinary Biologics, Inspection and Compliance, 1920 Dayton Avenue, P.O. Box 844, Ames, IA 50010) the following information. (If any of the data are unavailable, the applicant for authorization should indicate that such data are unavailable and why.)
(i) Name, address, and phone number of the owner of the herd of origin.
(ii) Attending veterinarian's name, address, and phone number.
(iii) Animal species and number in herd of origin.
(iv) Identification of microorganism(s), at least to genus.
(v) Diagnosis or clinical signs of the disease observed.
(vi) Name and address of the person who isolated the microorganism(s) and the date of isolation.
(vii) Number of doses of autogenous biologic requested and vaccination schedule.
(viii) Each adjacent herd owner's name, address, and phone number.
(ix) Number of animals and species in each adjacent herd.
(x) The attending veterinarian's or approved specialist's assessment of the involvement of the adjacent herd(s) with the disease observed.

The applicant shall give notice to the State Veterinarian or other appropriate State Official in writing when an autogenous biologic is to be used in adjacent herds.

(3) The Administrator may authorize preparation of an autogenous biologic for use in herds which are not adjacent to the herd of origin, but which he or she considers to be at risk of infection with the same microorganism(s). Except as provided below, the same information which is required for preparation of such product for use in herds adjacent to the herd of origin must be submitted to the Administrator (in c/o the Director, Center for Veterinary Biologics, Inspection and Compliance, 1920 Dayton Avenue, P.O. Box 844, Ames, IA 50010) for authorization to prepare a product for use in herds not adjacent to the herd of origin. Because the recipient herd involved may not be known when autogenous biologics are to be used in other geographic areas, the following data may be used in place of the data required in paragraphs (a)(2)(viii) and (a)(2)(ix) of this section.
(i) Names and addresses of practitioners in the area in place of the name, address, and phone number of the adjacent herd owner.
(ii) The geographic designations of the area involved.
(iii) A summary of the epidemiology of the disease situation that links the designated geographic areas with the herd of origin.

In addition, an applicant for authorization under this paragraph (a)(3) shall provide written approval from the State Veterinarian or other appropriate State Official in the State in which the autogenous biologic is to be used in nonadjacent herds.

(4) Under normal circumstances, microorganism(s) used for the production of autogenous biologics may not be older than 15 months from the date of isolation, or 12 months from the date of harvest of the first serial of product produced from the microorganism(s), whichever comes first. The Administrator, however, may authorize production of additional serials from microorganism(s) older than the above stated time periods, Provided, That, the person requesting such authorization submits the following supporting information to the address listed in paragraph (a)(3):
(i) The attending veterinarian's or approved specialist's current assessment of the continued involvement of a herd with the originally isolated microorganism(s), including a summary of the diagnostic work that has been done to support this assessment.
(ii) Evidence of satisfactory protection from the previous use of the autogenous biologic produced from the microorganisms involved.
(iii) Any other information the Administrator may require in order to determine the need to use the microorganism to make additional serials.
(b)Restrictions. Unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator, each serial of an autogenous biologic shall be subject to the following restrictions:
(1) Microorganisms used to prepare autogenous biologics shall not be maintained in the licensed establishment beyond the time authorized for use in production.
(2) The expiration date of the autogenous biologic shall not exceed 18 months from the date of harvest.
(c)Testing requirements for autogenous biologics.
(1) Final container samples of completed product from the first serial or subserial of an autogenous biologic produced from an isolate shall be tested for purity as prescribed in § 113.26 , and for safety as prescribed in § 113.33(b) or § 113.38 except that:
(i) When the number of final containers in a serial or subserial is 50 or less, two final container samples from each serial and subserial shall be tested as prescribed in § 113.26(b) : Provided, That, 1 ml aliquots from each sample may be inoculated into five corresponding individual test vessels of each of the test media required.
(ii) Serials which are satisfactory after the third day of observation of purity test cultures and of safety test animals may be released for shipment to the customer and the tests continued throughout the required period; and
(iii) Serials released on the basis of satisfactory results of third day observations shall be immediately recalled if evidence of contamination occurs in test cultures or if any of the test animals used to demonstrate product safety, sicken, or die during the observation period.
(iv) Test summaries must be submitted to the Administrator (in c/o the Director, Center for Veterinary Biologics, Inspection and Compliance, 1920 Dayton Avenue, P.O. Box 844, Ames, IA 50010) on a quarterly basis by the 21st day of January, April, July, and October or more often as required by the Administrator.
(2) Each serial or subserial of autogenous bacterial product other than the first serial or subserial produced from an isolate shall meet the applicable general requirements prescribed in § 113.100 and the special requirements prescribed in this section. Each serial or subserial of autogenous viral product other than the first serial or subserial produced from an isolate shall meet the applicable general requirements prescribed in § 113.200 and the special requirements prescribed in this section. A serial or subserial found unsatisfactory by any prescribed test shall not be released.
(i)Purity test. Final container samples of completed product from each serial and subserial shall be tested for viable bacteria and fungi as provided in § 113.26 . When the number of final containers in a serial or subserial is 50 or less, two final container samples from each serial and subserial shall be tested as prescribed in § 113.26(b) : Provided, That, 1 ml aliquots from each sample may be inoculated into five corresponding individual test vessels of each of the test media required.
(ii)Safety test. Bulk of final container samples of completed product from each serial shall be tested for safety as provided in § 113.33(b) or § 113.38 .
(iii)Identification. All microorganisms used for the production of autogenous biologics shall be identified as follows: Bacteria, fungi, and mycoplasma shall be identified at least to genus and species. Viruses shall be identified at least to family. After 15 months from the date of isolation, or 12 months from the harvest date of the first serial of autogenous product produced from a microorganism, whichever comes first, characterization and identification shall be completed to strain and/or serotype before such microorganism may be used for production.
(iv)Antigenicity, or immunogenicity, and potency. Persons seeking authorization to prepare additional serials of autogenous biologics from microorganisms that are older than 24 months from the date of isolation, shall be required to conduct the following additional tests:
(A) Completed product shall be tested for antigenicity or immunogenicity in the species for which the product is recommended or in another animal species whose immunological response has been shown in the scientific literature to correlate with the response of the species for which the product is recommended. Such tests shall be conducted in accordance with a protocol developed by the licensee and approved by the Administrator and the results submitted to the Director, Center for Veterinary Biologics, Policy, Evaluation, and Licensing, 1920 Dayton Avenue, P.O. Box 844, Ames, IA 50010 for review. Microorganisms not shown to be antigenic (that is, not shown to induce a significant serological response) or immunogenic by such approved tests shall not be used for the preparation of such product.
(B) Bulk or final container samples of completed product from each serial of such autogenous biologics containing fractions for which standard requirement potency test procedures have been established shall be tested for potency in accordance with applicable standard requirement potency tests provided in 9 CFR part 113 . If the culture of microorganisms used to produce such fractions is shown to be of a different strain or serotype than the reagent or challenge microorganisms used in the standard requirement potency test, reagents or challenges of the same strain or serotype as the microorganism used for production may be used.
(C) If no standard requirement potency test procedures have been established for a fraction(s) in the autogenous biologic, such fraction(s) of each serial of product shall be tested for potency using a developmental potency test described in the filed outline of production or shall at least be standardized to contain an antigenic mass for such fraction(s) that has been shown to be antigenic or immunogenic in accordance with paragraph (c)(2)(iv)(A) of this section.

9 C.F.R. §113.113

57 FR 38756, Aug. 27, 1992, as amended at 59 FR 67616, Dec. 30, 1994; 64 FR 43044, Aug. 9, 1999; 67 FR 15714 , Apr. 3, 2002; 75 FR 20773 , Apr. 21, 2010