Note: The cost of individual items of equipment of small value (for example, $500 or less) or of short life, including small portable tools and implements, shall not be charged to utility plant accounts unless the correctness of the accounting therefor is verified by current inventories. The cost shall be charged to the appropriate operating expense or clearing accounts, according to the use of such items, or, if such items are consumed directly in construction work, the cost shall be included as part of the cost of the construction.
Ai = Gross allowance for borrowed funds used during construction rate.
Ac = Allowance for other funds used during construction rate.
S = Average short-term debt.
s = Short-term debt interest rate.
D = Long-term debt.
d = Long-term debt interest rate.
P = Preferred stock.
p = Preferred stock cost rate.
C = Patronage capital assigned.
c = Entity's incremental borrowing rate.
W = Average balance in construction work in progress plus nuclear fuel in process of refinement, conversion, enrichment, and fabrication, less asset retirement costs related to plant under construction.
Note: When only a portion of a plant or project is placed in operation or is completed and ready for service but the construction work as a whole is incomplete, that part of the cost of the property placed in operation or ready for service shall be treated as "Electric Plant in Service," and an allowance for funds used during construction thereon as a charge to construction shall cease. Allowance for funds used during construction on that part of the cost of the plant which is incomplete may continue to be charged to construction until such time as it is placed in operation or is ready for service, except as limited in Item in paragraph (c)(17) of this section.
Note: In cases where existing utilities merge or consolidate because of financial or operating reasons or statutory requirements rather than as a means of transferring title of purchased properties to a new owner, the accounts of the constituent utilities, with the approval of RUS, may be combined. In the event original cost has not been determined, the resulting utility shall proceed to determine such cost as outlined herein.
Note: Structures and improvements accounts shall be credited with the cost of coal bunkers, stacks, foundations, subways, and tunnels, the use of which has terminated with the removal of the equipment with which they are associated even though they have not been physically removed.
Note: Stations which change electricity from transmission to distribution voltage shall be classified as distribution stations.
7 C.F.R. §1767.16