Current through November 30, 2024
Section 4284.1040 - Application processingThe following information describes the way the Agency will process applications, including evaluating eligibility, risk, and merit.
(a)Eligibility evaluation. The Agency will review all complete applications to determine if they are eligible for assistance based on the requirements in this subpart and other applicable Federal laws and regulations. In particular, the Agency will check the OMB-designated repository of government information, and Applicants that are excluded from Federal funding will be determined ineligible (see 2 CFR 200.206 for more information). An application must include all application requirements identified in § 4284.1031, or the Agency will determine that it is ineligible for assistance.(b)Risk evaluation. The Agency will review those applications that are determined to be eligible for the program for risk based on financial risk and satisfactory past performance as described in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section. Typically, the Agency will not determine that an application is ineligible for funding based on the results of the risk evaluation, unless the Agency cannot find a way to reasonably mitigate the risk posed by making an award. For example, if an Applicant lacks appropriate internal controls, but has not experienced significant audit findings as a result, the Agency may choose to mitigate the lack of internal controls by requiring funds to be disbursed on a reimbursement basis until adequate internal controls are in place. However, if audit findings identify significant shortcomings in the Applicant's ability to manage Federal funds, the Agency may determine that the application is not eligible for funding.(1)Financial risk. The Agency will review the organization's most recent independent audit and financial statements, provided that the most recent audit and financial statements have been created during the previous year.(2)Satisfactory past performance. The entity has satisfactory performance for all Federal Awards received within the last five (5) years, based on a review of deficiencies reported by the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System, or its successor system, the Do Not Pay system, or its successor system, and the Agency's own internal financial and record-keeping systems and files. Satisfactory performance includes timely submission of required reports and documents, timely completion of tasks, and proper use of funds.(c)Merit evaluation. The Agency will conduct a merit evaluation for those applications that are determined to be eligible for the program. The merit evaluation will be conducted by a panel of USDA employees, who will convene to reach a consensus on the merit of each eligible application. The total points available are 90. The merit evaluation will be based on the following criteria: (1)Federal Award management (0 to 10 points). Applicants who have managed Federal Awards with the primary purpose of providing technical assistance with Periods of Performance that have start and end dates within the last five (5) years of the date of application will receive points as described in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section. Note that an award for which a performance deficiency is identified will not be scored. The Agency will use, or its successor system, to verify the award information provided in the application. The Agency will also use, or its successor system, in addition to USDA internal systems to check for performance deficiencies. Examples of performance deficiencies are performance and/or financial reports that are more than 90 calendar days overdue and failure to accomplish the approved scope of work.(i)Amount (0 to 3 points). Zero points will be awarded if no Federal Awards are identified. Applications that identify multiple Federal Awards for amounts greater than $600,000 will receive more points.(ii)Time period (0 to 3 points). Zero points will be awarded if no Federal Awards are identified. Applications that identify multiple Federal Awards for time periods of at least three (3) years will receive more points.(iii)Provision of technical assistance (0 to 4 points). Zero points will be awarded if no Federal Awards are identified. Applications that identify multiple Federal Awards in which the Applicant provided technical assistance will receive more points.(2)Qualifications of Key Personnel (0 to 20 points). Projects that have qualified Key Personnel will receive points as described in paragraphs (c)(2)(i) through (v) of this section. Only Key Personnel that are currently employed or on contract with the Center will be considered. Key Personnel are considered qualified if they have at least five (5) years of experience in providing at least one Producer Service that the Center proposes to offer in its application. The Agency will consider years of experience, the number of times a service has been provided, the number of services provided, the complexity of the role the person played in providing the service, and the outcomes of the services when awarding points for qualifications. (i)Zero Key Personnel (0 points). No qualified Key Personnel are identified.(ii)One Key Personnel (0 to 5 points). One qualified person is identified. Zero points will be awarded if the person identified is not qualified. One point will be awarded to applications that demonstrate the person meets the qualifications. Two to three points will be awarded to applications that demonstrate the person exceeds the qualifications. Four to five points will be awarded to applications that demonstrate the person has exceptional qualifications.(iii)Second Key Personnel (0 to 5 points). A second qualified person is identified. Zero points will be awarded if the person identified is not qualified. One point will be awarded to applications that demonstrate the person meets the qualifications. Two to three points will be awarded to applications that demonstrate the person exceeds the qualifications. Four to five points will be awarded to applications that demonstrate the person has exceptional qualifications.(iv)Third Key Personnel (0 to 5 points). A third qualified person is identified. Zero points will be awarded if the person identified is not qualified. One point will be awarded to applications that demonstrate the person meets the qualifications. Two to three points will be awarded to applications that demonstrate the person exceeds the qualifications. Four to five points will be awarded to applications that demonstrate the person has exceptional qualifications.(v)Fourth Key Personnel (0 to 5 points). A fourth qualified person is identified. Zero points will be awarded if the person identified is not qualified. One point will be awarded to applications that demonstrate the person meets the qualifications. Two to three points will be awarded to applications that demonstrate the person exceeds the qualifications. Four to five points will be awarded to applications that demonstrate the person has exceptional qualifications.(3)Outreach plan (0 to 20 points). Applications that have a well-designed outreach plan will receive points as described in paragraphs (c)(3)(i) through (iii) of this section.(i)Goals (0 to 6 points). The goals are clear and include a way to measure the success of the project in a quantitative way, including the baseline of the metric, and a target for the metric. Zero points will be awarded if the application does not include at least one goal, performance measurement, baseline of the metric, and target for the metric. One or two points will be awarded if the application has at least one goal, one metric, the baseline of the metric, and a target for the metric. Three or four points will be awarded to applications that exceed this threshold. Five or six points will be awarded to applications that exceed the threshold and have exceptional goals, metrics, baselines, and targets.(ii)Identified need (0 to 8 points). The application identifies a clear need in the proposed service area that connects to the goals of the project. Zero points will be awarded if the application does not identify a clear need in the proposed service area that connects to the goals of the project. One to five points will be awarded to applications that identify clear needs in the proposed service area that connect to the goals of the project. One or two additional points will be awarded to applications that describe how the need was identified. One additional point will be awarded to applications that describe an identified need in an Underserved and Economically Distressed Area.(iii)Customer identification (0 to 6 points). The application describes how the Center will identify customers for the Producer Services it proposes to provide. Zero points will be awarded if the application does not identify how the Center will identify its customers. One to five points will be awarded to applications that describe a basic plan for identifying customers. One additional point will be awarded to applications that describe a plan for identifying customers in an Underserved and Economically Distressed Area.(4)Coordination, collaboration, and partnerships (0 to 20 points). Coordination, collaboration, or a partnership exists if there is a formal arrangement between the Center and another organization to either provide one or more Producer Services or for the other organization to provide a different type of service that supports one or more project goals. (Note that a formal arrangement means a written agreement that is signed by both parties and includes a purpose statement.) One example is a Center that provides product development but does not have a commercial kitchen. The Center could coordinate with a commercial kitchen to work with producers on recipe development or consumer taste testing. Another example is providing a contribution to the project in the form of Matching Funds, where the contribution from a third party is Key Personnel or expert consulting services to provide Producer Services. Applicant organizations who demonstrate that they will coordinate, collaborate, or partner with other organizations for the proposed project will receive more points, based on the description as follows: (i)Coordination, collaboration, or partnership with one other organization (0 to 4 points). The Agency will evaluate the complexity of the relationship, the significance of the gap in the Center's services that the relationship fills, the quality of the services that the partner will provide, and the quantity of the services that the partner will provide.(ii)Coordination, collaboration, or partnership with a second organization (0 to 4 points). The Agency will evaluate the complexity of the relationship, the significance of the gap in the Center's services that the relationship fills, the quality of the services that the partner will provide, and the quantity of the services that the partner will provide.(iii)Coordination, collaboration, or partnership with a third organization (0 to 4 points). The Agency will evaluate the complexity of the relationship, the significance of the gap in the Center's services that the relationship fills, the quality of the services that the partner will provide, and the quantity of the services that the partner will provide.(iv)Coordination, collaboration, or partnership with a fourth organization (0 to 4 points). The Agency will evaluate the complexity of the relationship, the significance of the gap in the Center's services that the relationship fills, the quality of the services that the partner will provide, and the quantity of the services that the partner will provide.(v)Underserved and Economically Distressed Area (0 to 4 points). The Agency will award one point for each coordination, collaboration, or partnership that connects the project to an Underserved and Economically Distressed Area.(5)Scope of the project (0 to 20 points). The scope of the project will be evaluated based on the service area, the types of services offered, the uniqueness of the services offered, and the number of commodities assisted. (i)Service area (0 to 4 points). Projects that propose to provide Producer Services to a larger service area will receive more points, based on the following structure: (A)Few counties (0 points). Projects that propose to provide services to up to 10 percent of the counties in the State will receive 0 points.(B)Some counties (1 point). Projects that propose to provide services to more than 10 percent and up to 25 percent of the counties in the State will receive 1 point.(C)Many counties (2 points). Projects that propose to provide services to more than 25 percent and up to 50 percent of the counties in the State will receive 2 points.(D)Majority of State (3 points). Projects that propose to provide services to more than 50 percent and less than 100 percent of the counties in the State will receive 3 points.(E)State-wide (4 points). Projects that propose to provide services to all counties in a State will receive 4 points.(ii)Types of services (0 to 8 points). Projects that offer a greater variety of Producer Services will receive more points. See § 4284.1003 for the definition of Producer Services. Each category of Producer Service offered will receive one point. If no proposed services fit into one of the categories, zero points will be awarded. The categories are as follows:(A) Financial advisory services.(B) Organizational assistance.(C) Value chain coordination.(F) Business development services.(G) Marketing assistance.(H) Grants to Agricultural Producers.(iii)Number of commodities (0 to 3 points). Projects that have the capacity to provide services to support Value-Added Agricultural Products from multiple Agricultural Commodities in addition to the four represented on the Board of Directors of the Center will receive more points.(iv)Unique services (0 to 3 points). Projects that will contribute unique services in the proposed service area will receive more points. Unique means that the services are not already provided in the service area.(v)Physical location (0 to 2 points). Projects that will provide services at more than one physical location will receive more points.(d)Priority Points (0 to 10 points). Each year, RBCS will select up to two priorities from the current published priorities for the RD mission area that are applicable to the program. These priorities will be published on the program website and in the annual notice no later than the date that the application period is open. Projects will be awarded five points for each priority that they meet, based on the information provided in the application, for a maximum of ten points.