7 C.F.R. § 868.261

Current through May 31, 2024
Section 868.261 - Grade and grade requirements for the classes of brown rice for processing. (See also Section 868.263.)

GradeMaximum limits of-
Paddy kernelsSeeds and heat-damaged kernelsRed rice and damaged kernels (singly or combined) (percent)Chalky kernels1 2 (percent)Broken kernels removed by a 6 plate or a 61/2 sieve3 (percent)Other types4Wellmilled kernels (percent)
PercentNumber in 500 gramsTotal (singly or combined) (number in 500 grams)Heat-damaged kernels (number in 500 grams)Objectionable seeds (number in 500 grams)
U.S. No. 1-2010121.
U.S. No. 22.0-402102.
U.S. No. 32.0-704204.
U.S. No. 42.0-1008358.
U.S. No. 52.0-150155015.

U.S. Sample gradeU.S. Sample grade shall be brown rice for processing which (a) does not meet the requirements for any of the grades from U.S. No. 1 to U.S. No. 5, inclusive; (b) contains more than 14.5 percent of moisture; (c) is musty, or sour, or heating; (d) has any commercially objectionable foreign odor; (e) contains more than 0.2 percent of related material or more than 0.1 percent of unrelated material; (f) contains two or more live weevils or other live insects; or (g) is otherwise of distinctly low quality.

1 For the special grade Parboiled brown rice for processing, see § 868.263(a) .

2 For the special grade Glutinous brown rice for processing, see § 868.263(c) .

3 Plates should be used for southern production rice and sieves should be used for western production rice, but any device or method which gives equivalent results may be used.

4 These limits do not apply to the class Mixed Brown Rice for Processing.

7 C.F.R. §868.261

56 FR 55979, Oct. 31, 1991. Redesignated and amended at 60 FR 16364, Mar. 30, 1995