7 C.F.R. § 917.176

Current through November 30, 2024
Section 917.176 - Pears
(a)Report of daily packout. When requested by the Pear Commodity Committee, each shipper who ships pears shall furnish to the manager of the Control Committee or when designated to the Federal-State Inspection Service a report of the number of packages by container type, by variety and by district of origin, which the shipper packed during the preceding day.
(b)Recapitulation of shipments. When requested by the Pear Commodity Committee, each shipper of pears shall furnish to the manager of the Control Committee a recapitulation of his shipments. The recapitulation shall show:
(1) The name of the shipper,
(2) The shipping point,
(3) The district of origin,
(4) The variety, and
(5) The number of packages, by size, for each container type.
(c)Report of pears held in storage. Each shipper who has pears under refrigeration in a storage warehouse shall upon request, file with the manager of the Control Committee within the time specified in the request an accurate report containing the following information:
(1) The name and address of the shipper; and
(2) The total quantity, as of the date specified in the request, of pears in storage outside of the State of California and in storage in the State of California.

7 C.F.R. §917.176

39 FR 27117, July 25, 1974

Effective Date Note: At 59 FR 10056, Mar. 3, 1994, §917.176 was suspended, effective Apr. 4, 1994.