7 C.F.R. § 917.121

Current through November 30, 2024
Section 917.121 - Changes in nomination of Pear Commodity Committee members

Nominations for membership on the Pear Commodity Committee shall be made by the growers of pears in the respective representation areas as follows:

(a) North Sacramento Valley District, Central Sacramento Valley District, Placer-Colfax District, El Dorado District, and all of the production area not included in paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section, one nominee.
(b) Sacramento River District, Stockton District, Stanislaus District, Contra Costa District, Santa Clara District and Solano District, three nominees.
(c) Lake District, six nominees.
(d) Mendocino District and North Bay District, three nominees.

7 C.F.R. §917.121

52 FR 12513, Apr. 17, 1987

Effective Date Note: At 59 FR 10056, Mar. 3, 1994, §917.121 was suspended, effective Apr. 4, 1994.