7 C.F.R. § 292.2

Current through November 30, 2024
Section 292.2 - Definitions

2 CFR part 200 means the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards published by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The part reference covers applicable: Acronyms and Definitions (subpart A), General Provisions (subpart B), Post Federal Award Requirements (subpart D), Cost Principles (subpart E), and Audit Requirements (subpart F).

Act means the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, as amended.

Acquisition means obtaining supplies or services through a purchase or lease, regardless of whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be developed, created, or evaluated.

Administrative costs means costs incurred by a Summer EBT agency, LEA, or local agencies operating in a formal agreement with a Summer EBT agency related to planning, organizing, and managing a Summer EBT Program.

Adult means, for the purposes of completing an application for eligibility for Program benefits, any individual 18 years of age or older.

Advance Planning Document for project planning or Planning APD (APD or PAPD) means a brief written plan of action that requests Federal financial participation to accomplish the planning activities necessary for a Summer EBT agency to determine the need for, feasibility of, projected costs and benefits of an IS equipment or services acquisition, plan the acquisition of IS equipment and/or services, and to acquire information necessary to prepare an Implementation APD.

Advance Planning Document Update (APDU) means a document submitted annually (Annual APDU) by the Summer EBT agency to report the status of project activities and expenditures in relation to the approved Planning APD or Implementation APD; or on an as needed basis (As Needed APDU) to request funding approval for project continuation when significant project changes occur or are anticipated.

Cash-Value Benefit (CVB) means a type of benefit that is a fixed-dollar amount used to obtain supplemental foods by participants served by an ITO Summer EBT agency for the purposes of the Summer EBT Program.

Categorically eligible means considered income eligible for Summer EBT, as applicable, based on documentation that a child is a member of a household, as defined in this section, and one or more children in that household are receiving assistance under SNAP, TANF, or FDPIR, or another means tested program, as approved by the Secretary. A foster child, homeless child, a migrant child, a Head Start child and a runaway child, as defined in § 245.2 of this chapter, are also categorically eligible. Categorical eligibility and automatic eligibility may be used synonymously.

Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) means proprietary software products that are ready-made and available for sale to the general public at established catalog or market prices in which the software vendor is not positioned as the sole implementer or integrator of the product.

Continuous school calendar means a situation in which all or part of the student body of a school is:

(1) On a vacation for periods of 15 continuous school days or more during the period October through April; and
(2) In attendance at regularly scheduled classes during most of the period May through September.

Current income means income received during the month prior to application for Summer EBT benefits. If such income does not accurately reflect the household's annual income, income must be based on the projected annual household income. If the prior year's income provides an accurate reflection of the household's current annual income, the prior year may be used as a base for the projected annual income.

Department means the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Direct verification means the process of verifying household income or categorical eligibility by matching against data sources or other records without the need to contact households for documentation.

Disclosure means reveal or use individual children's program eligibility information obtained through the Summer EBT eligibility process for a purpose other than for the purpose for which the information was obtained. The term refers to access, release, or transfer of personal data about children by means of print, tape, microfilm, microfiche, electronic communication or any other means.

Dual participation means a child simultaneously receiving benefits from more than one State or ITO-administered Summer EBT Program, or simultaneously receiving multiple allotments from the same State or ITO-administered Summer EBT Program.

Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) account means a set of records containing demographic, card, benefit, transaction, and balance data for an individual household within the EBT system that is maintained and managed by a Summer EBT agency or its contractor as part of the client case record.

Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card means a method to access EBT benefits issued to a household member or authorized representative through the EBT system by a benefit issuer. This method may include an on-line magnetic stripe card, an off-line smart card, a chip card, a contactless digital wallet with a stored card, or any other similar benefit access technology approved by USDA.

Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) contractor or vendor means an entity that is selected to perform EBT-related services for the Summer EBT agency.

Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) system means an electronic payments system under which benefits are issued from and stored in a central databank, maintained and managed by a Summer EBT agency or its contractor, and uses electronic funds transfer technology for the delivery and control of food and other public assistance benefits.

Eligible child means a child who meets the requirements to receive Summer EBT benefits as provided in §§ 292.5 and 292.6 .

Eligible household means a household that includes at least one eligible child.

Enhancement means modifications which change the functions of software and hardware beyond their original purposes, not just to correct errors or deficiencies which may have been present in the software or hardware, or to improve the operational performance of the software or hardware. Software enhancements that substantially increase risk or cost or functionality will require submission of an IAPD or an As Needed IAPDU.

Enrolled students means students who are enrolled in and attending schools participating in the NSLP/SBP and who have access to a meal service (breakfast or lunch) on a regular basis.

Expungement means the removal of Summer-EBT benefits from the EBT account to which they were issued, typically by an EBT processor on behalf of a Summer EBT agency.

FDPIR means the food distribution program for households on Indian reservations operated under 7 CFR part 253, and the food distribution program for Indian households in Oklahoma under 7 CFR part 254.

FNS means the Food and Nutrition Service, United States Department of Agriculture.

FNSRO means an FNS Regional Office.

Firm, as used in this part:

(1) Means:
(i) A retail food store that is authorized to accept or redeem Summer EBT benefits;
(ii) A retail food store that is not authorized to accept or redeem Summer EBT benefits; or
(iii) An entity that does not meet the definition of a retail food store in § 271.2 of this chapter.
(2) For purposes of the regulations in this part the terms firm, entity, retailer, and store may be used interchangeably.

Food instrument, as applicable to ITO Summer EBT agencies, means the definition set forth in WIC regulations at § 246.2 of this chapter.

Household means a group of related or nonrelated individuals, who are not residents of an institution or boarding house, but who are living as one economic unit.

Implementation Advance Planning Document or Implementation APD (IAPD) means a written plan of action requesting Federal financial participation (FFP) to acquire and implement Electronic Benefit Transaction services. The Implementation APD includes the general design, development, testing, and implementation phases of the project during its initiation. Once the Summer EBT process becomes more routine (e.g., after its initial implementation), the IAPD will be streamlined to include one the following documents as outlined in this section and in FNS Handbook 901:

(1) Transmittal letter.
(2) Cost Allocation Plan.
(3) Pre-conversion outlays (where applicable).
(4) Brief schedule of events and payments, and budget.

Income eligibility guidelines means the household-size and income standards prescribed annually by the Secretary for determining income eligibility for reduced price meals under the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program.

Indian Tribal Organization (ITO) means an Indian Tribe, band, or group recognized by the Department of the Interior or an intertribal council or group which is an authorized representative of Indian Tribes, bands or groups recognized by the Department of the Interior and which has an ongoing relationship with such Tribes, bands or groups. For the purposes of the Summer EBT Program, this definition only includes those Indian Tribal Organizations which administer the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC Program) established under section 17 of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 (42 U.S.C. 1786 ). For the purposes of the Summer EBT Program, an administering Indian Tribal Organization is also referred to as a "Summer EBT agency".

Information System (IS) means a combination of hardware and software, data and telecommunications that performs specific functions to support the Summer EBT agency, or other Federal, State, or local organization.

Instructional year means the period from July 1 of the prior year through one day prior to the summer operational period.

ITO Service Area means the geographic area served by an ITO Summer EBT agency.

Local Education Agency (LEA) means a public board of education or other public or private nonprofit authority legally constituted within a State for either administrative control or direction of, or to perform a service function for, public or private nonprofit elementary schools or secondary schools in a city, county, township, school district, or other political subdivision of a State, or for a combination of school districts or counties that is recognized in a State as an administrative agency for its public or private nonprofit elementary schools or secondary schools. The term also includes any other public or private nonprofit institution or agency having administrative control and direction of a public or private nonprofit elementary school or secondary school, including residential child care institutions, Bureau of Indian Affairs schools, and educational service agencies and consortia of those agencies, as well as the State educational agency in a State or territory in which the State educational agency is the sole educational agency for all public or private nonprofit schools.

NSLP/SBP means the National School Lunch Program established under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq.) and/or the School Breakfast Program established under the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 (42 U.S.C. 1771 et seq.).

NSLP/SBP application means an application for free and reduced price meals, submitted by a household for a child or children enrolled at an NSLP- or SBP-participating school(s). Eligibility determinations based on NSLP/SBP applications may be used to confer eligibility for Summer EBT.

OIG means the Office of Inspector General of the Department.

Period of eligibility means the period of time from the first day of instructional year, as defined in this section, immediately preceding the summer operational period, as defined in this section, through the last day of the summer operational period.

Planning Advanced Planning Document (PAPD) means a brief written plan of action that requests FFP to accomplish the planning activities necessary for a Summer EBT agency to determine the need for, feasibility of, projected costs and benefits of EBT service acquisitions, plan the acquisition of EBT services, and to acquire information necessary to prepare an Implementation APD when there is a change or an enhancement to the EBT technology.

Program means the Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer for Children Program authorized by section 13A of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, 42 U.S.C. 1762 .

Program funds means Federal financial assistance made available to Summer EBT agencies for the purpose of making Program payments.

Project means a related set of information technology related tasks, undertaken by a Summer EBT agency, to improve the efficiency, economy and effectiveness of administration and/or operation of its human services programs. A project may also be a less comprehensive activity such as office automation, enhancements to an existing system, or an upgrade of computer hardware.

Request for Proposal (RFP) means the document used for public solicitations of competitive proposals from qualified sources as outlined in paragraphs (1) through (7) of this definition:

(1) In competitive negotiation, proposals are requested from a number of sources and the Request for Proposal is publicized, negotiations are normally conducted with more than one of the sources submitting offers, and either a fixed-price or cost-reimbursable type contract is awarded, as appropriate.
(2) Competitive negotiation may be used if conditions are appropriate for the use of formal advertising. If competitive negotiation is used for procurement under a grant, the following requirements must apply:
(i) Proposals must be solicited from an adequate number of qualified sources to permit reasonable competition consistent with the nature and requirements of the procurement. The Request for Proposals must be publicized and reasonable requests by other sources to compete must be honored to the maximum extent practicable.
(ii) The Request for Proposal must identify significant evaluation factors, including price or cost where required and their relative importance.
(iii) The Summer EBT agency must provide procedures for technical evaluation of the proposals received, determinations of responsible offerors for the purpose of written or oral discussions, and selection for contract award.
(iv) Award may be made to the responsible offeror whose proposal will be most advantageous to the Summer EBT agency, price and other factors considered. Unsuccessful offerors should be notified promptly.
(v) State agencies may utilize competitive negotiation procedures for procurement of architectural/engineering professional services whereby competitors' qualifications are evaluated, and the most qualified competitor is selected subject to negotiation of fair and reasonable compensation.

Rolling verification means sampling applications for verification on a rolling basis from the beginning of the instructional year immediately preceding the summer operational period.

School aged means the years in which a child is required to attend school, or an equivalent program as defined by State or Tribal law. Also known as the age requirement for compulsory education.

Secretary means the Secretary of Agriculture.

SNAP means the program operated pursuant to the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008.

SNAP eligible foods means any food or food product that meets the definition of eligible foods at § 271.2 of this chapter.

SNAP retail food store means an establishment that meets the definition of retail food store at § 271.2 of this chapter.

Special provision school means, for the purposes of Summer EBT, those schools which do not collect NSLP/SBP applications annually described in section 11(a)(1)(B)-(F) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (NSLA) which are provision 1 at § 245.9(a) of this chapter, provision 2 at § 245.9(b) and (c) of this chapter, provision 3 at § 245.9(d) and (e) of this chapter, and the community eligibility provision codified at § 245.9(f) of this chapter.

State means any of the fifty States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

Streamlined certification means automatically enrolling an eligible child for Summer EBT, without need for further application or confirmation of school enrollment.

Summer EBT agency, as used in this part:

(1) Means:
(A) Any agency of State government that has been designated by the Governor or other appropriate executive or legislative authority of the State which is responsible for the administration of the Summer EBT Program within the State and enters into a written agreement with USDA to administer Summer EBT. In those States where such assistance programs are operated on a decentralized basis, it includes all State agencies that assist with administration of the Summer EBT Program unless otherwise specified.
(B) Coordinating Summer EBT agencies have an inter-agency written agreement with partnering Summer EBT agencies to administer the Program, as applicable.
(ii) An ITO that is responsible for the administration of the Summer EBT Program and has entered into a written agreement with USDA to administer Summer EBT.
(2) Summer EBT agencies may be further described to clarify roles and requirements, as necessary, including:
(i)Coordinating Summer EBT agency means the Summer EBT agency within a State that is designated as the primary point of contact for USDA for the Summer EBT Program within the State or ITO and is responsible for the effective and efficient administration of the Program.
(ii)Partnering Summer EBT agency means a Summer EBT agency other than the coordinating Summer EBT agency that has a role in administration of the Program.
(iii)ITO Summer EBT agency means an agency of an ITO that administers the Program on behalf of the ITO.
(iv)State Summer EBT agency means an agency of a State that administers the Program on behalf of the State.

Summer EBT application means an application submitted to a Summer EBT agency or an NSLP/SBP-participating school by a household for a child or children who are enrolled at a NSLP/SBP-participating school for Summer EBT benefits. Eligibility determinations based on Summer EBT applications may not be used to confer eligibility for the NSLP/SBP.

Summer operational period means the benefit period that generally reflects the period between the end of classes during the current school year and the start of classes for the next school year, as determined by the Summer EBT agency.

Supplemental foods means, for the purposes of ITOs administering the Summer EBT Program, foods-

(1) Containing nutrients determined by nutritional research to be lacking in the diets of children; and
(2) Promoting the health of the population served by the program under this section, as indicated by relevant nutrition science, public health concerns, and cultural eating patterns, as determined by FNS; and
(3) Supplemental foods authorized for the WIC Program by the applicable WIC ITO meet the requirements set forth in this definition, excluding infant foods and infant formula.

System error means an error resulting from a malfunction at any point in the redemption process. These adjustments may occur after the availability date and may result in either a debit or credit to the household.

TANF means the State funded program under part A of title IV of the Social Security Act that the Secretary determines complies with standards established by the Secretary that ensure that the standards under the State program are comparable to or more restrictive than those in effect on June 1, 1995. This program is commonly referred to as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, although States may refer to the program by another name.

Trafficking means:

(i) The buying, selling, stealing, or otherwise effecting an exchange of Summer EBT benefits issued and accessed via Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards, card numbers, and personal identification numbers (PINs), or by manual voucher and signature, for cash or consideration other than eligible food, either directly, indirectly, in complicity or collusion with others, or acting alone;
(ii) The exchange of firearms, ammunition, explosives, or controlled substances, as defined in 21 U.S.C. 802 , for Summer EBT benefits;
(iii) Purchasing a product with Summer EBT benefits that has a container requiring a return deposit with the intent of obtaining cash by intentionally discarding the product and intentionally returning the container for the deposit amount;
(iv) Purchasing a product with Summer EBT benefits with the intent of obtaining cash or consideration other than eligible food by reselling the product, and subsequently intentionally reselling the product purchased with Summer EBT benefits in exchange for cash or consideration other than eligible food; or
(v) Intentionally purchasing products originally purchased with Summer EBT benefits in exchange for cash or consideration other than eligible food.
(2) Attempting to buy, sell, steal, or otherwise affect an exchange of Summer EBT benefits issued and accessed via Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards, card numbers and personal identification numbers (PINs), or by manual voucher and signatures, for cash or consideration other than eligible food, either directly, indirectly, in complicity or collusion with others, or acting alone.

Vendor means a sole proprietorship, partnership, cooperative association, corporation, or other business entity operating one or more stores enrolled by an ITO for the purposes of the Summer EBT Program to provide supplemental foods in areas approved for service. To be eligible for the Summer EBT Program, the vendor must be authorized by the WIC ITO to provide authorized supplemental foods to WIC participants under a retail food delivery system.

Verification means confirmation of eligibility for the Summer EBT Program when a child's eligibility is established through a Summer EBT application. Verification includes confirmation of income eligibility and, at State or local discretion, may also include confirmation of any other information required in the application. Direct verification, as outlined in § 292.14(e) , must be attempted prior to contacting the household. If such efforts are unsuccessful, verification may be accomplished by examining information provided by the household such as wage stubs, or by other means as specified in § 292.14(f)(3) . If a SNAP or TANF case number or a FDPIR case number or other identifier is provided for a child, verification for such child must only include confirmation that the child is a member of a household receiving SNAP, TANF, or FDPIR benefits.

Verification for cause means verification of questionable applications, on a case-by-case basis, such as an instance when the Summer EBT agency is made aware of conflicting or inconsistent information than what was provided on the application.

WIC or WIC Program means the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) established under section 17 of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 (42 U.S.C. 1786 ).

7 C.F.R. §292.2

88 FR 90355 , 12/29/2023