50 C.F.R. § 622.506

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 622.506 - Definitions

In addition to the definitions and acronyms in § 622.2 , the terms and acronyms used in this subpart have the following meanings:

Coral means any or all species, or a part thereof, of coral occurring in the EEZ around St. Thomas and St. John, including any or all species, or a part thereof, of soft corals and gorgonians in Order Alcyonacea; sea pens and sea pensies in Order Pennatulacea; black corals in Order Antipatharia; and stony corals in Order Scleractinia; and, within Order Anthoatheacata, fire corals in Family Milleporidae and lace corals in Family Stylasteridae.

Coral reef resource means any or all species, or a part thereof, of coral, sea cucumber, and sea urchin.

Pelagic fish means any or all species, or a part thereof, as follows:

Table 1 to § 622.506

Class or family Scientific name English common name
Dolphinfishes-CoryphaenidaeCoryphaena hippurusDolphinfish.
Mackerels and tunas-ScombridaeAcanthocybium solandriWahoo.

Queen conch means the species Lobatus gigas, or a part thereof.

Reef fish means any or all species, or a part thereof, as follows:

Table 2 to § 622.506

Class or family Scientific name English common name
Angelfishes-PomacanthidaePomacanthus paruFrench angelfish.
Pomacanthus arcuatusGray angelfish.
Holacanthus ciliarisQueen angelfish.
Groupers-SerranidaeMycteroperca bonaciBlack grouper.
Cephalopholis fulvaConey.
Epinephelus itajaraGoliath grouper.
Hyporthodus mystacinusMisty grouper.
Epinephelus striatusNassau grouper.
Epinephelus morioRed grouper.
Epinephelus guttatusRed hind.
Mycteroperca tigrisTiger grouper.
Hyporthodus flavolimbatusYellowedge grouper.
Mycteroperca venenosaYellowfin grouper.
Mycteroperca interstitialisYellowmouth grouper.
Grunts-HaemulidaeHaemulon sciurusBluestriped grunt.
Haemulon albumMargate.
Haemulon plumieriiWhite grunt.
Jacks-CarangidaeCaranx crysosBlue runner.
Parrotfishes-ScaridaeScarus coeruleusBlue parrotfish.
Scarus coelestinusMidnight parrotfish.
Scarus taeniopterusPrincess parrotfish.
Scarus vetulaQueen parrotfish.
Scarus guacamaiaRainbow parrotfish.
Sparisoma aurofrenatumRedband parrotfish.
Sparisoma rubripinneRedfin parrotfish.
Sparisoma chrysopterumRedtail parrotfish.
Sparisoma virideStoplight parrotfish.
Scarus iseriStriped parrotfish.
Porgies-SparidaeCalamus bajonadoJolthead porgy.
Calamus calamusSaucereye porgy.
Archosargus rhomboidalisSea bream.
Calamus pennaSheepshead porgy.
Snappers-LutjanidaeApsilus dentatusBlack snapper.
Lutjanus buccanellaBlackfin snapper.
Lutjanus synagrisLane snapper.
Lutjanus analisMutton snapper.
Etelis oculatusQueen snapper.
Lutjanus vivanusSilk snapper.
Rhomboplites aurorubensVermilion snapper.
Ocyurus chrysurusYellowtail snapper.
Surgeonfishes-AcanthuridaeAcanthurus coeruleusBlue tang.
Acanthurus chirurgusDoctorfish.
Acanthurus tractusOcean surgeonfish.
Triggerfishes-BalistidaeBalistes vetulaQueen triggerfish.
Wrasses-LabridaeLachnolaimus maximusHogfish.

Sea cucumber means any or all species, or a part thereof, in Class Holothuroidea and occurring in the EEZ of St. Thomas and St. John.

Sea urchin means any or all species of sea urchin, or a part thereof, in Class Echinoidea and occurring in the EEZ of St. Thomas and St. John.

Spiny lobster trap means a trap and its component parts, including the lines and buoys, used for or capable of taking spiny lobster and meeting the spiny lobster trap construction specifications of this subpart.

50 C.F.R. §622.506

87 FR 56217, 10/13/2022