Section 600.752 - Use of conveners and facilitators(a)Purposes of conveners. A Council or NMFS may use the services of a trained convener to assist the Council or NMFS in: (1) Conducting discussions to identify the issues of concern, and to ascertain whether the establishment of an FNP regarding such matter is feasible and appropriate.(2) Identifying persons who will be significantly affected by the issues presented in paragraph (a)(1) of this section.(b)Duties of conveners. The convener shall report findings under paragraph (a)(2) of this section and shall make recommendations to the Council or NMFS. Upon request of the Council or NMFS, the convener shall ascertain the names of persons who are willing and qualified to represent interests that will be significantly affected by the potential conservation and management measures relevant to the issues to be negotiated. The report and any recommendations of the convener shall be made available to the public upon request.(c)Selection of facilitator. Notwithstanding section 10(e) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), a Council or NMFS may nominate a person trained in facilitation either from the Federal Government or from outside the Federal Government to serve as an impartial, neutral facilitator for the negotiations of the FNP, subject to the approval of the FNP, by consensus. The facilitator may be the same person as the convener used under paragraph (a) of this section. If the FNP does not approve the nominee of the Council or NMFS for facilitator, the FNP shall submit a substitute nomination. If an FNP does not approve any nominee of the Council or NMFS for facilitator, the FNP shall select, by consensus, a person to serve as facilitator. A person designated to represent the Council or NMFS in substantive issues may not serve as facilitator or otherwise chair the FNP.(d)Roles and duties of facilitator. A facilitator shall:(1) Chair the meetings of the FNP in an impartial manner.(2) Impartially assist the members of the FNP in conducting discussions and negotiations.(3) Manage the keeping of minutes and records as required under section 10(b) and (c) of FACA.