50 C.F.R. § 300.117

Current through May 31, 2024
Section 300.117 - Prohibitions

In addition to the prohibitions in §300.4, it is unlawful for any person to:

(a) Reduce to possession or attempt to reduce to possession any AMLRs without a permit for such activity as required by §300.112.
(b) Import into, or export or re-export from, the United States any AMLRs without applicable catch documentation as required by §300.107(c), without an IFTP as required by §300.114(a)(1), or in violation of the terms and conditions for such import, export or re-export as specified on the IFTP.
(c) Engage in harvesting or other associated activities in violation of the provisions of the Convention or in violation of a conservation measure in force with respect to the United States under Article IX of the Convention.
(d) Ship, transport, offer for sale, sell, purchase, import, export or have custody, control or possession of, any AMLR that he or she knows, or reasonably should have known, was harvested in violation of a conservation measure in force with respect to the United States under article IX of the Convention or in violation of any regulation promulgated under this subpart, without regard to the citizenship of the person that harvested, or vessel that was used in the harvesting of, the AMLR.
(e) Refuse to allow any CCAMLR inspector to board a vessel of the United States or a vessel subject to the jurisdiction of the United States for the purpose of conducting an inspection authorized by the Act, this subpart, or any permit issued under the Act.
(f) Refuse to provide appropriate assistance, including access as necessary to communications equipment, to CCAMLR inspectors.
(g) Refuse to sign a written notification of alleged violations of Commission measures in effect prepared by a CCAMLR inspector.
(h) Assault, resist, oppose, impede, intimidate, or interfere with a CCAMLR inspector in the conduct of any boarding or inspection authorized by the Act, this subpart, or any permit issued under the Act.
(i) Use any vessel to engage in harvesting after the revocation, or during the period of suspension, of an applicable permit issued under the Act.
(j) Fail to identify, falsely identify, fail to properly maintain, or obscure the identification of a harvesting vessel or its gear as required by this subpart.
(k) Fish in a closed area.
(l) Trawl with a mesh size in any part of the trawl net smaller than that allowed for any directed fishing for Antarctic finfishes as specified in management measures issued pursuant to §300.111.
(m) Use any means or device that would reduce the size or obstruct the opening of the trawl meshes specified in management measures issued pursuant to §300.111.
(n) Possess fish in violation of the catch limit specified in management measures issued pursuant to §300.111.
(o) Discard netting or other substances in the Convention Area in violation of §300.109.
(p) Violate or attempt to violate any provision of this subpart, the Act, any other regulation promulgated under the Act or any permit issued under the Act.
(q) Provide incomplete or inaccurate information about the harvest, transshipment, landing, import or re-export of applicable species on any document required under this subpart.
(r) Without a valid first receiver permit issued under this subpart, receive AMLRs from a vessel or receive AMLRs from a vessel without a valid harvesting permit issued under this subpart.
(s) Import Dissostichus spp. with a Specially Validated DCD.
(t) Import shipments of frozen Dissostichus spp. without a preapproval issued under §300.114.
(u) Assault, resist, oppose, impede, intimidate, harass, bribe, or interfere with an observer.
(v) Interfere with or bias the sampling procedure employed by an observer, including physical, mechanical, or other sorting or discarding of catch before sampling.
(w) Tamper with, destroy, or discard an observer's collected samples, equipment, records, photographic film, papers, or personal effects without the express consent of the observer.
(x) Prohibit or bar by command, impediment, threat, coercion, or by refusal of reasonable assistance, an observer from collecting samples, conducting product recovery rate determinations, making observations, or otherwise performing the observer's duties.
(y) Harass an observer by conduct that has sexual connotations, has the purpose or effect of interfering with the observer's work performance, or otherwise creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. In determining whether conduct constitutes harassment, the totality of the circumstances, including the nature of the conduct and the context in which it occurred, will be considered. The determination of the legality of a particular action will be made from the facts on a case-by-case basis.
(z) Fish for or process fish without observer coverage required under §300.113.
(aa) Require, pressure, coerce, or threaten an observer to perform duties normally performed by crew members, including, but not limited to, cooking, washing dishes, standing watch, vessel maintenance, assisting with the setting or retrieval of gear, or any duties associated with the processing of fish, from sorting the catch to the storage of the finished product.
(bb)Vessel monitoring systems.
(1) Use any vessel registered to an AMLR harvesting permit to conduct fishing operations unless that vessel carries an OLE type-approved mobile transceiver unit and complies with the requirements described in this subpart.
(2) Fail to install, activate, repair or replace a mobile transceiver unit prior to leaving port as specified in this subpart.
(3) Fail to operate and maintain a mobile transceiver unit on board the vessel at all times as specified in this subpart.
(4) Tamper with, damage, destroy, alter, or in any way distort, render useless, inoperative, ineffective, or inaccurate the VMS, mobile transceiver unit, or VMS signal required to be installed on or transmitted by a vessel as specified in this subpart.
(5) Fail to contact OLE or follow OLE instructions when automatic position reporting has been interrupted as specified in this subpart.
(6) Register a VMS transceiver unit registered to more than one vessel at the same time.
(7) Connect or leave connected additional equipment to a VMS unit without the prior approval of the OLE.
(8) Make a false statement, oral or written, to an authorized officer regarding the installation, use, operation, or maintenance of a VMS unit or communication service provider.
(9) Fail to use real-time C-VMS port-to-port on board U.S. vessels harvesting AMLR in the Convention Area.
(cc) Fail to use the mitigation measures required in the course of longline fishing or longline fishing research in the Convention Area to minimize the incidental mortality of seabirds.
(dd) Fail to use the mitigation measures required in the Convention Area to minimize the incidental mortality of seabirds and marine mammals in the course of trawl fishing.
(ee) Set longlines in Subareas 48.6, 88.1 and 88.2 Divisions 58.4.1, 58.4.2, 58.4.3a, 58.4.3b and 58.5.2 during daylight hours without following the CCAMLR protocol designed to mitigate seabird interactions.
(ff) Trawl for krill in Convention Area fisheries without a seal excluder device.
(gg) Harvest any AMLR in Convention waters without a harvesting permit required by this subpart.
(hh) Ship, transport, offer for sale, sell, purchase, import, export, re-export or have custody, control, or possession of, any frozen Dissostichus species without verifiable documentation of the use of real-time C-VMS port-to-port by the vessel that harvested such Dissostichus species unless the Dissostichus species was harvested during a fishing trip that began prior to September 24, 2007.
(ii) Import into, or export or re-export from, the United States any AMLRs harvest by a vessel of the United States without a valid harvesting permit issued under this subpart.

50 C.F.R. §300.117

61 FR 35550, 7/5/1996, as amended at 65 FR 30017, 5/10/2000; 68 FR 23229, 5/1/2003. Redesignated and amended at 72 FR 48510, 48512, 8/23/2007; 75 FR 18113, 4/9/2010; 81 FR 51134, 9/20/2016