50 C.F.R. § 218.12

Current through November 30, 2024
Section 218.12 - Permissible methods of taking
(a) Under an LOA issued pursuant to §§ 216.106 of this subchapter and 218.16, the Holder of the LOA (hereinafter "Navy") may incidentally, but not intentionally, take marine mammals within the area described in § 218.10(b) by Level A harassment and Level B harassment associated with the use of explosives and missile launch activities, provided the activity is in compliance with all terms, conditions, and requirements of the regulations in this subpart and the applicable LOA.
(b) The incidental take of marine mammals by the activities listed in § 218.10(c) is limited to the species and stocks listed in Table 1 of this section.

Table 1 to § 218.12(b)

Common name Scientific name Stock
Blue whaleBalaenoptera musculusEastern North Pacific.
Fin whaleBalaenoptera physalusCalifornia, Oregon, and Washington.
Gray whaleEschrichtius robustusEastern North Pacific.
Humpback whaleMegaptera novaeangliaeCalifornia, Oregon, Washington.
Minke whaleBalaenoptera acutorostrataCalifornia, Oregon, and Washington.
Common Bottlenose dolphinTursiops truncatusCalifornia, Oregon, and Washington Offshore.
Dall's porpoisePhocoenoides dalliCalifornia, Oregon, and Washington.
Dwarf sperm whaleKogia simaCalifornia, Oregon, and Washington.
Long-beaked common dolphinDelphinus capensisCalifornia.
Mesoplodont beaked whalesMesoplodon sppCalifornia, Oregon, and Washington.
Northern right whale dolphinLissodelphis borealisCalifornia, Oregon, and Washington.
Pacific white-sided dolphinLagenorhynchus obliquidensCalifornia, Oregon, and Washington.
Pygmy killer whaleFeresa attenuata
Pygmy sperm whaleKogia brevicepsCalifornia, Oregon, and Washington.
Risso's dolphinsGrampus griseusCalifornia, Oregon, and Washington.
Short-beaked common dolphinDelphinus delphisCalifornia, Oregon, and Washington.
Sperm whalePhyseter macrocephalusCalifornia, Oregon, and Washington.
Striped dolphinStenella coeruleoalbaCalifornia, Oregon, and Washington.
Harbor sealPhoca vitulinaCalifornia.
Northern elephant sealMirounga angustirostrisCalifornia.
California sea lionZalophus californianusU.S. Stock.
Guadalupe fur sealArctocephalus townsendiMexico to California.

50 C.F.R. §218.12

87 FR 40960 , 7/7/2022 through 7/7/2029