50 C.F.R. § 23.20
Current through November 30, 2024
Type of specimen or activity | Appendix | CITES exemption document | Section |
(1) Artificially propagated plant (see paragraph (d)(4) of this section for an Appendix-I plant propagated for commercial purposes) | I, II, or III | CITES document with source code "A"1 | 23.40 |
(2) Artificially propagated plant from a country that has provided copies of the certificates, stamps, and seals to the Secretariat | II or III | Phytosanitary certificate with CITES statement1 | 23.23(f) |
(3) Bred-in-captivity wildlife (see paragraph (d)(5) of this section for Appendix-I wildlife bred in captivity for commercial purposes) | I, II, or III | CITES document with source code "C"1 | 23.41 |
(4) Commercially propagated Appendix-I plant | I | CITES document with source code "D"1 | 23.47 |
(5) Commercially bred Appendix-I wildlife from a breeding operation registered with the CITES Secretariat | I | CITES document with source code "D"1 | 23.46 |
(6) Export of certain marine specimens protected under a pre-existing treaty, convention, or international agreement for that species | II | CITES document indicating that the specimen was taken in accordance with provisions of the applicable treaty, convention, or international agreement | 23.36(e) 23.39(e) |
(7) Hybrid plants | I, II, or III | CITES document unless the specimen qualifies as an exempt plant hybrid | 23.42 |
(8) Hybrid wildlife | I, II, or III | CITES document unless the specimen qualifies as an exempt wildlife hybrid | 23.43 |
(9) In-transit shipment (see paragraph (d)(14) of this section for sample collections covered by an ATA carnet) | I, II, or III | CITES document designating importer and country of final destination | 23.22 |
(10) Introduction from the sea under a pre-existing treaty, convention, or international agreement for that species | II | Document required by applicable treaty, convention, or international agreement, if appropriate | 23.39(d) |
(11) Noncommercial loan, donation, or exchange of specimens between scientific institutions registered with the CITES Secretariat | I, II, or III | A label indicating CITES and the registration codes of both institutions and, in the United States, a CITES certificate of scientific exchange that registers the institution3 | 23.48 |
(12) Personally owned live wildlife for multiple cross-border movements | I, II, or III | CITES certificate of ownership2 | 23.44 |
(13) Pre-Convention specimen | I, II, or III | CITES document indicating pre-Convention status1 | 23.45 |
(14) Sample collection covered by an ATA carnet | I4, II, or III | CITES document indicating sample collection2 | 23.50 |
(15) Traveling exhibition | I, II, or III | CITES document indicating specimens qualify as pre-Convention, bred in captivity, or artificially propagated2 | 23.49 |
1 Issued by the Management Authority in the exporting or re-exporting country.
2 Issued by the Management Authority in the owner's country of usual residence.
3 Registration codes assigned by the Management Authorities in both exporting and importing countries.
4 Appendix-I species bred in captivity or artificially propagated for commercial purposes (see §§ 23.46 and 23.47 ).
Appendix | Type of CITES document(s) required |
I | Import permit (§ 23.35 ) and either an export permit (§ 23.36 ) or re-export certificate (§ 23.37 ) |
II | Export permit (§ 23.36 ) or re-export certificate (§ 23.37 ) |
III | Export permit (§ 23.36 ) if the specimen originated in a country that listed the species; certificate of origin (§ 23.38 ) if the specimen originated in a country other than the listing country, unless the listing annotation indicates otherwise; or re-export certificate for all re-exports (§ 23.37 ) |
50 C.F.R. §23.20