5 C.F.R. § 2635.303

Current through July 31, 2024
Section 2635.303 - Definitions

For purposes of this subpart, the following definitions apply:

(a)Gift has the meaning set forth in § 2635.203(b) . For purposes of § 2635.203(b) and this paragraph (a) an employee will be deemed to have paid market value for any benefit received as a result of participating in a carpool or other such mutual arrangement between employees if the employee bears a fair proportion of the expense or effort involved.
(b)Indirectly, for purposes of § 2635.302(b) , has the meaning set forth in § 2635.203(f) . For purposes of § 2635.302(a) , it includes a gift:
(1) Given with the employee's knowledge and acquiescence by the employee's parent, sibling, spouse, child, or dependent relative; or
(2) Given by a person other than the employee when circumstances indicate that the employee has promised or agreed to reimburse that person or to give that person something of value in exchange for giving the gift.
(c)Market value has the meaning set forth in § 2635.203(c) , subject to paragraph (a) of this section.
(d)Official superior means any other employee, other than the President and the Vice President, including but not limited to an immediate supervisor, whose official responsibilities include directing or evaluating the performance of the employee's official duties or those of any other official superior of the employee. For purposes of this subpart, employees are considered to be the subordinates of any of their official superiors.
(e)Solicit means to request contributions by personal communication or by general announcement.
(f)Voluntary contribution means a contribution given freely, without pressure or coercion. A contribution is not voluntary unless it is made in an amount determined by the contributing employee, except that when an amount for a gift is included in the cost for a luncheon, reception, or similar event, an employee who freely chooses to pay a proportionate share of the total cost in order to attend will be deemed to have made a voluntary contribution. Except in the case of contributions for a gift included in the cost of a luncheon, reception, or similar event, a statement that an employee may choose to contribute less or not at all must accompany any recommendation of an amount to be contributed for a gift to an official superior.

Example 1 to paragraph (f): A supervisory employee of the Agency for International Development has just been reassigned from Washington, DC, to a foreign duty location. As a farewell party, 12 subordinates have decided to take the supervisory employee out to lunch at a restaurant. It is understood that the employees will pay for their own meals and that the cost of the supervisor's lunch will be divided equally among the 12. Even though the amount they will contribute is not determined until the supervisor orders lunch, the contribution made by those who choose to participate in the farewell lunch is voluntary.

5 C.F.R. §2635.303

89 FR 43695, 8/15/2024