49 C.F.R. § 1108.27

Current through May 31, 2024
Section 1108.27 - Arbitration procedures
(a)Appointment of arbitration panel. Within two business days after all three arbitrators are selected, the parties shall appoint the arbitration panel in writing. A copy of the written appointment should be submitted to the Director of the Board's Office of Economics. The Director shall promptly provide the arbitrators with the confidentiality agreements that are required under § 1244.9(b)(4) of this chapter to review confidential Waybill Sample data.
(b)Commencement of arbitration process; arbitration agreement. Within two business days after the arbitration panel is appointed, the lead arbitrator shall commence the arbitration process in writing. Shortly after commencement, the parties, together with the panel of arbitrators, shall create a written arbitration agreement, which at a minimum will state with specificity the issues to be arbitrated and the corresponding monetary award cap to which the parties have agreed. The arbitration agreement shall also incorporate by reference the rules of this subpart. The agreement may also contain other mutually agreed upon provisions.
(c)Expedited timetables -
(1)Discovery phase. The parties shall have 45 days from the written commencement of arbitration by the lead arbitrator to complete discovery. The arbitration panel may extend the discovery phase upon an individual party's request. If the discovery phase is extended, the arbitration panel may decide whether the evidentiary phase should also be extended and, if so, for how long.
(2)Evidentiary phase. The evidentiary phase consists of the 45-day discovery phase described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section and an additional 45 days for the submission of pleadings or evidence, based on the procedural schedule and using the procedures adopted by the lead arbitrator, for a total duration of 90 days. The evidentiary phase (including the discovery phase) shall begin on the written commencement of the arbitration process under paragraph (b) of this section. The arbitration panel shall have complete discretion whether to extend the procedural schedule, based on input from the parties.
(3)Decision. The unredacted arbitration decision, as well as any redacted version(s) of the arbitration decision as required by § 1108.29(a)(2) , shall be served on the parties within 30 days from the end of the evidentiary phase.
(d)Limited discovery.
(1) Discovery under this subpart shall be limited to 20 written document requests and 5 interrogatories. Depositions shall not be permitted.
(2) Each party is permitted an additional 3 written document request and 3 interrogatories if the defendant carrier(s) does not concede market dominance and the complainant elects to use a non-streamlined market dominance analysis.
(3) Parties may request permission from the arbitration panel to seek additional written document requests and interrogatories. The arbitration panel may grant such requests for exceptional circumstances.
(e)Evidentiary guidelines -
(1)Principles of due process. The lead arbitrator shall adopt rules that comply with the principles of due process, including but not limited to, allowing the defendant carrier a fair opportunity to respond to the complainant's case-in-chief.
(2)Inadmissible evidence. The following evidence shall be inadmissible in an arbitration under this part:
(i) On the issue of market dominance, any evidence that would be inadmissible before the Board; and
(ii) Any non-precedential decisions, including prior decisions issued by an arbitration panel.
(f)Confidentiality agreement. All arbitrations under this subpart shall be governed by a confidentiality agreement, unless the parties agree otherwise. With the exception of the Waybill Sample provided pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section, the terms of the confidentiality agreement shall apply to all aspects of an arbitration under this part, including but not limited to discovery, party filings, and the arbitration decision.
(g)Waybill Sample.
(1) The Board's Office of Economics shall provide unmasked confidential Waybill Sample data to each party to the arbitration proceeding within seven days of the filing of a copy Joint Notice of Intent to Arbitrate with the Director and accompanying letter containing the relevant five-digit Standard Transportation Commodity Code information. Such data to be provided by the Office of Economics shall be limited to the most recent four years of movements on the defendant carriers.
(2) Parties may request additional Waybill Sample data from the Director of the Office of Economics pursuant to § 1244.9(b)(4) of this chapter. Parties must make such requests by submitting a formal filing (with a "WB" docket prefix). The decision of the Director may be appealed to the Board pursuant to § 1115.1 . In the event of an appeal, the party filing the appeal shall immediately inform the other parties to the arbitration and the arbitration panel. The arbitration panel shall immediately stay the arbitration proceeding. After the Board issues a decision ruling on the appeal of the Director's decision, the arbitration panel shall lift the stay, the arbitration shall continue, and all procedural time limits will be tolled. The Director's decision (and, if necessary, the Board's decision ruling on appeal of the Director's decision) will be published as part of the separate Waybill docket, but the decision(s) will not be published until the Board receives the confidential summary the parties are required to file pursuant to § 1108.29(e) .

49 C.F.R. § 1108.27

88 FR 729, 2/3/2023