49 C.F.R. § 1108.23

Current through May 31, 2024
Section 1108.23 - Participation in the Small Rate Case Arbitration Program
(a)Carrier opt-in procedures -
(1)Opt-in notice. To opt into the Small Rate Case Arbitration Program, a carrier must file a notice with the Board under Docket No. EP 765, notifying the Board of the carrier's consent to participate in the Small Rate Case Arbitration Program. Such notice must be filed by February 23, 2023. The notice should also include:
(i) A statement that the carrier agrees to an extension of the timelines set forth in 49 U.S.C. 11708(e) for any arbitrations initiated under this subpart; and
(ii) A statement that the carrier agrees to the appointment of arbitrators that may not be on the STB-maintained roster of arbitrator established under § 1108.6(b) .
(2)Participation for a specified term. By opting into the Small Rate Case Arbitration Program, the carrier consents to participate in the program for the full five-year term of the program, beginning on the date the Board issues the notice commencing the program. A carrier may withdraw from the Program prior to expiration of the five-year term only pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section.
(3)Public notice of carrier participants. The Board shall maintain a list of carriers who have opted into the Small Rate Case Arbitration Program on its website at www.stb.gov.
(4)Class II and Class III carrier participation. Class II or Class III rail carriers may consent to use the Small Rate Case Arbitration Program to arbitrate an individual rate dispute, even if the Class II or Class III has not opted into the process under paragraph (a)(1) of this section. If a Class II or Class III carrier intends to participate for an individual rate dispute, a letter from the Class II or Class III carrier must be submitted with the notice of intent to arbitrate dispute required under § 1108.25(a) . The letter must indicate that the carrier consents to participate in the Small Rate Case Arbitration Program and include the statements required under paragraphs (a)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section.
(b)Complainant participation. A complainant seeking to challenge the reasonableness of carrier's rate may participate in the Small Rate Case Arbitration Program on a case-by-case basis by notifying a participating carrier that it wishes to arbitrate an eligible dispute under the Small Rate Case Arbitration Program. A complainant must inform the participating carrier by submitting a written notice of intent to arbitrate to the participating carrier, as set forth in § 1108.25(a) .
(c)Withdrawal for change in law -
(1)Basis for withdrawal. A carrier or complainant participating in the Small Rate Case Arbitration Program may withdraw its consent to arbitrate under this subpart if either: material change(s) are made to the Small Rate Case Arbitration Program under this subpart after a complainant or carrier has opted into the Small Rate Case Arbitration Program; or material change(s) are made to the Board's existing rate reasonableness methodologies or a new rate reasonableness methodology is created after a complainant or carrier has opted into the Small Rate Case Arbitration Program. However, the termination or modification of the Final Offer Rate Review process will not be considered a change in law.
(2)Procedures for withdrawal for change in law. A participating carrier or complainant may withdraw its consent to arbitrate under this subpart by filing with the Board a notice of withdrawal for change in law within 20 days of an event that qualifies as a basis for withdrawal as set forth in paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
(i) The notice of withdrawal for change in law shall state the basis or bases under paragraph (c)(1) of this section for the party's withdrawal of its consent to arbitrate under this part. A copy of the notice must be served on any parties with which the carrier is currently engaged in arbitration. A copy of the notice will also be posted on the Board's website.
(ii) Any party may challenge the withdrawing party's withdrawal for change in law on the ground that the change is not material by filing a petition with the Board within 10 days of the filing of the notice of withdrawal being challenged. The withdrawing party may file a reply to the petition within 5 days from the filing of the petition. The petition shall be resolved by the Board within 14 days from the filing deadline for the withdrawing party's reply.
(iii) Subject to the stay provision of paragraph (c)(3)(ii) of this section, the notice of withdrawal for change in law shall be effective on the day of its filing.
(3)Effect of withdrawal for change in law -
(i)The Small Rate Case Arbitration Program. If one or more Class I carriers withdraw, the program will not terminate and the regulations in this subpart will remain in effect. Carriers that withdraw from the program will no longer be subject to the exemption (set forth in § 1108.33 ) from rate challenges under Final Offer Rate Review.
(ii)Arbitrations with decision. The withdrawal of consent for change in law by either a complainant or carrier shall not affect arbitrations in which the arbitration panel has issued an arbitration decision.
(iii)Arbitrations without decision. A carrier or complainant filing a withdrawal of consent for change in law shall immediately inform the arbitration panel and opposing party. The arbitration panel shall immediately stay the arbitration. If no objection to the withdrawal of consent is filed with the Board or the Board issues a decision granting the withdrawal request, the arbitration panel shall dismiss any pending arbitration under this part, unless the change in law will not take effect until after the arbitration panel is scheduled to issue its decision pursuant to the schedule set forth in § 1108.27(c) . If an objection to the withdrawal of consent is filed but the Board rejects the withdrawal upon objection, the arbitration panel shall lift the stay, the arbitration shall continue, and all procedural time limits will be tolled.
(d)Limit on the number of arbitrations. A carrier participating in the Small Rate Case Arbitration Program is only required to participate in 25 arbitrations simultaneously. Any arbitrations initiated by the submission of the notice of intent to arbitrate a dispute to the rail carrier (pursuant to § 1108.25(a) ) that has reached this limit will be postponed until the carrier is once again below the limit.
(1) A carrier that has reached the limit shall notify the Board's Office of Public Assistance, Governmental Affairs, and Compliance by email (to rcpa@stb.gov), as well as the complainant who submitted the notice of intent to arbitrate to the carrier. The Office of Public Assistance, Governmental Affairs, and Compliance shall confirm that the limitation has been reached and inform the complainant (and any other subsequent complainants) that the arbitration is being postponed, along with an approximation of when the arbitration can proceed and instructions for reactivating the arbitration once the carrier is again below the limit.
(2) For purposes of this paragraph (d), an arbitration will count toward the 25-arbitration limit only upon commencement of the first mediation session or, where one or both parties elect to forgo mediation, submission of the joint notice of intent to arbitrate to the Board under § 1108.25(c) . For purposes of this paragraph (d), an arbitration under this subpart is final when the arbitration panel issues its arbitration decision, or if an arbitration is dismissed or withdrawn, including due to settlement.

49 C.F.R. § 1108.23

88 FR 729, 2/3/2023