Section 831.13 - Provision and dissemination of investigative information(a)Applicability. This section applies to: (1) Information related to the accident or incident;(2) Any information collected or compiled by the NTSB as part of its investigation, such as photographs, visual representations of factual data, physical evidence from the scene of the accident, interview statements, wreckage documentation, flight data and cockpit voice recorder information, and surveillance video; and(3) Any information regarding the status of an investigation, or activities conducted as part of the investigation.(b)Provision of information. All information described in paragraph (a) of this section and obtained by any person or organization participating in the investigation must be promptly provided to the NTSB, except where the NTSB authorizes the party to retain the information.(c)Release of information. Parties are prohibited from releasing information obtained during an investigation at any time prior to the NTSB's public release of information unless the release is consistent with the following criteria: (1) Information released at the scene of an accident-(i) Is limited to factual information concerning the accident and the investigation released in coordination with the IIC; and(ii) Will be made by the Board Member present at the scene as the official spokesperson for the NTSB. Additionally, the IIC or representatives from the NTSB's Office of Safety Recommendations and Communications may release information to media representatives, family members, and elected officials as deemed appropriate.(2) The release of information described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section by the NTSB at the scene of an accident does not authorize any party to the investigation to comment publicly on the information during the course of the investigation. Any dissemination of factual information by a party may be made only as provided in this section.(3) A party may disseminate information related to an investigation to those individuals within its organization who have a need to know for the purpose of addressing a safety issue including preventive or remedial actions. If such internal release of information results in a planned safety improvement, the party must inform the IIC of such planned improvement in a timely manner before it is implemented.(4) Any other release of factual information related to the investigation must be approved by the IIC prior to release, including:(i) Dissemination within a party organization, for a purpose not described in paragraph (b)(3) of this section;(ii) Documents that provide information concerning the investigation, such as written directives or informational updates for release to employees or customers of a party;(iii) Information related to the investigation released to an organization or person that is not a party to the investigation;(d) The release of recordings or transcripts from certain recorders may be made only in accordance with the statutory limitations of 49 U.S.C. 1114(c) and (d) .