49 C.F.R. § 299.609

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 299.609 - Vehicle/track system qualification
(a)General. All vehicles types intended to operate in revenue service shall be qualified for operation in accordance with this subpart. A qualification program shall be used to demonstrate that the vehicle/track system will not exceed the wheel/rail force safety limits, and the carbody and bogie acceleration criteria specified in paragraph (h) of this section-
(1) At any speed up to and including 10 km/h (6 mph) above the proposed maximum operating speed; and
(2) On track meeting the requirements for the class of track associated with the proposed maximum operating speed as defined in § 299.309 . For purposes of qualification testing, speeds may exceed the maximum allowable operating speed for the class of track in accordance with the test plan approved by FRA.
(b)New vehicle/track system qualification. Vehicle types not previously qualified under this subpart shall be qualified in accordance with the requirements of this paragraph (b).
(1)Carbody acceleration. For vehicle types intended to operate in revenue service at track class H4 speeds or above, qualification testing conducted over a representative segment of the route shall demonstrate that the vehicle type will not exceed the carbody lateral and vertical acceleration safety limits specified in paragraph (h) of this section.
(2)Bogie lateral acceleration. For vehicle types intended to operate at track class H4 speeds or above, qualification testing conducted over a representative segment of the route shall demonstrate that the vehicle type will not exceed the bogie lateral acceleration safety limit specified in paragraph (h) of this section.
(3)Measurement of wheel/rail forces. For vehicle types intended to operate at track class H4 speeds or above, qualification testing conducted over a representative segment of the route shall demonstrate that the vehicle type will not exceed the wheel/rail force safety limits specified in paragraph (h) of this section.
(c)Previously qualified vehicle/track system. Vehicle/track systems previously qualified under this subpart for a track class and cant deficiency on one route may be qualified for operation at the same class and cant deficiency on another route through testing to demonstrate compliance with paragraph (a) of this section in accordance with the following:
(1)Carbody acceleration. For vehicle types intended to operate at track class H4 speeds and above, qualification testing conducted over a representative segment of the new route shall demonstrate that the vehicle type will not exceed the carbody lateral and vertical acceleration safety limits specified in paragraph (h) of this section.
(2)Bogie lateral acceleration. For vehicle types intended to operate at track class H4 speeds or above, measurement of bogie lateral acceleration during qualification testing shall demonstrate that the vehicle type will not exceed the bogie lateral acceleration safety limit specified in paragraph (h) of this section. Measurement of bogie lateral acceleration, if conducted, shall be performed over a representative segment of the new route.
(d)Vehicle/track system qualification testing plan. To obtain the data required to support the qualification program outlined in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, the railroad shall submit a qualification testing plan as required by § 299.603(b) at least 60 days prior to testing, requesting approval to conduct the testing at the desired speeds and cant deficiencies. This test plan shall provide for a test program sufficient to evaluate the operating limits of the track and vehicle type and shall include-
(1) Identification of the representative segment of the route for qualification testing;
(2) Consideration of the operating environment during qualification testing, including operating practices and conditions, the signal system, and trainset on adjacent tracks;
(3) The maximum angle found on the gauge face of the designed (newly-profiled) wheel flange referenced with respect to the axis of the wheelset that will be used for the determination of the Single Wheel L/V Ratio safety limit specified in paragraph (h) of this section; and
(4) A target maximum testing speed in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section and the maximum testing cant deficiency.
(e)Qualification testing. Upon FRA approval of the vehicle/track system qualification testing plan, qualification testing shall be conducted in two sequential stages as required in this subpart.
(1) Stage-one testing shall include demonstration of acceptable vehicle dynamic response of the subject vehicle as speeds are incrementally increased-
(i) On a segment of tangent track, from acceptable track class H4 speeds to the target maximum test speed; and
(ii) On a segment of curved track, from the speeds corresponding to 76 mm (3 inches) of cant deficiency to the maximum testing cant deficiency.
(2) When stage-one testing has successfully demonstrated a maximum safe operating speed and cant deficiency, stage-two testing shall commence with the subject equipment over a representative segment of the route as identified in paragraph (d)(1) of this section.
(i) A test run shall be conducted over the route segment at the speed the railroad will request FRA to approve for such service.
(ii) An additional test run shall be conducted at 10 km/h (6 mph) above this speed.
(3) When conducting stage-one and stage-two testing, if any of the monitored safety limits are exceeded on any segment of track, testing may continue provided that the track location(s) where any of the limits are exceeded be identified and test speeds be limited at the track location(s) until corrective action is taken. Corrective action may include making adjustments to the track, to the vehicle, or to both of these system components.
(4) Prior to the start of the qualification testing program, a qualifying Track Geometry Measurement System (TGMS) shall be operated over the intended route within 30 calendar days prior to the start of the qualification testing program to verify compliance with the track geometry limits specified in § 299.311 .
(f)Qualification testing results. The railroad shall submit a report to FRA detailing all the results of the qualification program in accordance with § 299.613 . The report shall be submitted at least 60 days prior to the intended operation of the equipment in revenue service over the route.
(g)Cant deficiency. Based on the test results and all other required submissions, FRA will approve a maximum trainset speed and value of cant deficiency for revenue service, normally within 45 days of receipt of all the required information. FRA may impose conditions necessary for safely operating at the maximum approved trainset speed and cant deficiency.
(h)Vehicle/track interaction regulatory limits. The following vehicle/track interaction regulatory limits shall not be exceeded during qualification testing in accordance with this section.

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49 C.F.R. §299.609

85 FR 69731, 12/3/2020