49 C.F.R. § 299.449

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 299.449 - Trainset image and audio recording system
(a)Duty to equip and record.
(1) Each trainset used in revenue service must be equipped with an image recording system comprised of-
(i) Outward-facing image recording devices capable of recording images of the right-of-way ahead of the trainset in the direction of travel as further described in paragraph (b) of this section; and,
(ii) Inward-facing image recording devices capable of recording images of crewmember activities inside the leading trainset cab as further described in paragraph (c) of this section.
(2) The image recording system must be turned on and recording whenever a trainset is in motion, at all speeds. If operating circumstances cause the controlling cab to be other than the cab of the leading end of the trainset, the railroad must also record images of activities inside the controlling cab.
(3) The trainset image recording system shall record at a minimum the most recent 12 hours of operation of a leading trainset cab used in revenue service.
(4) Image recording device data for each leading trainset cab used in revenue service shall be recorded on a memory module meeting the requirements for a certified crashworthy event recorder memory module described in appendix A to this part or on an alternative, remote storage system that provides at least equivalent data protections and is approved by FRA under paragraph (g) of this section.
(b)Outward-facing recording device requirements for leading trainset cabs used in revenue service. The image recording system shall-
(1) Include an image recording device aimed parallel to the centerline of tangent track within the gauge on the leading end of the trainset;
(2) Be able to distinguish the signal aspects displayed by go/no-go signals;
(3) Record at a minimum frame rate of 15 frames per second (or its equivalent);
(4) Have sufficient resolution, as defined by the railroad in the railroad's inspection, testing, and maintenance program under § 299.445 , to record the position of switch points in advance of the trainset at speeds of 170 km/h (106 mph) and below, and to capture images in daylight or with normal nighttime illumination from the headlight of the trainset; and
(5) Include an accurate time and date stamp on image recordings.
(c)Inward-facing image recording device requirements for leading trainset cabs used in revenue service.
(1) The image recording system shall include an image recording device positioned to provide complete coverage of all areas of the leading trainset cab where a crewmember typically may be positioned, including complete coverage of the instruments and controls required to operate the trainset in normal use, and-
(i) Have sufficient resolution, as defined in the railroad's inspection, testing, and maintenance program under § 299.445 , to record crewmember actions;
(ii) Record at a minimum frame rate of 5 frames per second;
(iii) Be capable of using ambient light in the cab, and when ambient light levels drop too low for normal operation, automatically switch to infrared or another operating mode that enables the recording sufficient clarity to comply with the requirements of this paragraph (c)(1); and
(iv) Include an accurate time and date stamp on image recordings.
(2) Inward-facing image recording devices shall not be installed in a location where the device can record activities within a trainset cab's sanitation compartment, as defined in § 229.5 of this chapter, and shall not be used to make recordings of any activities within a trainset cab's sanitation compartment.
(3) If a leading trainset cab used in revenue service experiences a technical failure of its inward-facing image recording system, then the system shall be removed from service and handled in accordance with paragraph (i) of this section.
(d)Image recording system protection requirements for leading trainset cabs used in revenue service. The railroad must provide convenient wired or wireless connections to allow authorized railroad personnel to download audio or image recordings from any certified crashworthy event recorder memory module in leading trainset cabs used in revenue service. The railroad also must use electronic security measure(s), and apply appropriate cybersecurity measures, to prevent unauthorized access to, and download, deletion, or alteration of, the recording system or its recordings.
(e)Inspection, testing, and maintenance for image recording systems in leading trainset cabs used in revenue service.
(1) The image recording system in trainsets used in revenue service shall have self-monitoring features to assess whether the system is operating properly, including whether the system is powered on.
(2) Periodic inspection requirements for the trainset image recording system shall be defined in the railroad's inspection, testing, and maintenance program required under § 299.445 . As part of the periodic inspection, the railroad shall take sample download(s) from the image recording system's crashworthy memory module to confirm proper operation of the system, and, if necessary, repair the system to full operation.
(f)Handling of recordings -
(1)Chain-of-custody procedure. The railroad shall develop, adopt, maintain, and comply with a chain-of-custody procedure governing the handling and the release of the image recordings described in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section and any audio recordings. The chain-of-custody procedure must specifically address the preservation and handling requirements for post-accident/incident recordings provided to FRA or other Federal agencies under paragraph (f)(2) of this section.
(2)Accident/incident preservation. If any trainset equipped with an image or audio recording system is involved in an accident/incident that must be reported to FRA under part 225 of this chapter, the railroad shall, to the extent possible, and to the extent consistent with the safety of life and property, preserve the data recorded by the system for analysis by FRA or other Federal agencies. The railroad must either provide the image and/or audio data in a format readable by FRA or other Federal agencies; or make available to FRA or other Federal agencies any platform, software, media device, etc., that is required to play back the image and/or audio data. This preservation requirement shall expire one year after the date of the accident unless FRA or another Federal agency notifies the railroad in writing that it must preserve the recording longer. The railroad may extract and analyze such data for the purposes described in paragraph (f)(3) of this section, only if-
(i) The original downloaded data file, or an unanalyzed exact copy of it, is retained in secure custody under the railroad's procedure adopted under paragraph (f)(1) of this section; and
(ii) It is not utilized for analysis or any other purpose, except by direction of FRA or another Federal agency.
(3)Recording uses. Subject to the conditions specified in paragraph (f)(2) of this section, the railroad may use image and audio recordings from a leading trainset cab used in revenue service subject to this section to-
(i) Investigate an accident/incident that is required to be reported to FRA under part 225 of this chapter;
(ii) Investigate a violation of a Federal railroad safety law, regulation, or order, or the railroad's operating rules and procedures;
(iii) Conduct an operational test under § 299.505 ;
(iv) Monitor for unauthorized occupancy of a trainset's cab or operating compartment;
(v) Investigate a violation of a criminal law;
(vi) Assist Federal agencies in the investigation of a suspected or confirmed act of terrorism; or
(vii) Perform inspection, testing, maintenance, or repair activities to ensure the proper installation and functioning of an image or audio recorder as required under paragraph (e)(2) of this section.
(g)Image recording system approval process. The railroad must submit for approval a description of the technical aspects of its trainset image recording system installed pursuant this section. The required description must be submitted via electronic mail to the following email address: FRARRSMPE@dot.gov.
(1) The description must specifically address the image recording system's-
(i) Minimum 12-hour continuous recording capability;
(ii) Crashworthiness; and
(iii) Post-accident accessibility of the system's recordings.
(2) The railroad must submit the written statement not less than 90 days before the installation of such image recording system.
(3) The Associate Administrator will review the railroad's description and may approve, or disapprove, the image recording system if it does not meet the requirements of this section. FRA may disapprove any recording systems that do not meet the requirements of this section.
(h)Relationship to other laws. Nothing in this section is intended to alter the legal authority of law enforcement officials investigating potential violation(s) of State criminal law(s), and nothing in this section is intended to alter in any way the priority of investigations under 49 U.S.C. 1131 and 1134 , or the authority of the Secretary of Transportation to investigate railroad accidents under 49 U.S.C. 5121 , 5122 , 20107 , 20111 , 20112 , 20505 , 20702 , 20703 , and 20902 .
(i)Removal of an image recording system or device from service and handling for repair.
(1) Notwithstanding the duty established in paragraph (a) of this section to equip trainsets cabs used in revenue service with an image recording system, the railroad-
(i) May remove from service the entire image recording system or an image recording device in a leading trainset cab used in revenue service for any reason.
(ii) Must remove from service the entire image recording system or an image recording device in a leading trainset cab used in revenue service if the railroad knows the system or device is not properly recording.
(2) When a railroad removes the entire image recording system or an image recording device in a leading trainset cab used in revenue service from service, a qualified person shall record the date the system or device was removed from service in the trainset's maintenance records.
(3) A trainset on which the entire image recording system, or an image recording device in a leading trainset cab used in revenue service, has been taken out of service as provided in paragraphs (i)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section may be used as a leading trainset cab in revenue service only until the next pre-service inspection required under the railroad's inspection, testing, and maintenance program.
(4) A trainset with an image recording device that has been taken out of service on only one cab end may be used in revenue service beyond the next pre-service inspection without repair provided the other cab end is the leading end of the trainset and the image recording system is otherwise operative for that cab end.
(5) A trainset with an inoperative image recording device alone is not deemed to be in an improper condition, unsafe to operate, or non-complying under § 299.447 . However, a trainset with an entire image record system taken out of service or image recording devices taken out service in both cab ends, may not be used in revenue service beyond the next pre-service inspection required under the railroad's inspection, testing, and maintenance program without repair or replacement of the non-operative system or devices.
(j)Disabling or interfering with locomotive-mounted audio and video recording equipment. Any individual who willfully disables or interferes with the intended functioning of image or audio recording system equipment mounted in a leading trainset cab used in revenue service, or who tampers with or alters the data recorded by such equipment, is subject to a civil penalty and to disqualification from performing safety-sensitive functions on a railroad as provided in parts 209 and 218 of this chapter.
(k)Employee protections.
(1) If inward-facing image or in-cab audio trainset recordings are utilized to conduct operational tests and inspections under § 299.505 , the railroad shall adopt and comply with a procedure in its operational tests and inspections program that ensures employees are randomly subject to such operational tests and inspections involving image or audio recordings. The procedure adopted must:
(i) Establish objective, neutral criteria to ensure every employee subject to such operational tests and inspections is selected randomly for such operational tests and inspections within a specified time frame;
(ii) Not permit subjective factors to play a role in selection, i.e., no employee may be selected based on the exercise of the railroad's discretion; and
(iii) Require that any operational test or inspection using trainset image or audio recordings be performed within 72 hours of the completion of the employee's tour of duty that is the subject of the operational test. Any operational test performed more than 72 hours after the completion of the tour of duty that is the subject of the test is a violation of this section. The 72-hour limitation does not apply to investigations of railroad accidents/incidents or to violations of Federal railroad safety laws, regulations, or orders, or any criminal laws.
(2) FRA may review the railroad's procedure implementing paragraph (k)(1) of this section, and, for cause stated, may disapprove such procedure under § 299.505(h) .

49 C.F.R. §299.449

88 FR 70764, Oct. 12, 2023
88 FR 70764, 11/13/2023