Section 29.100 - What are the criteria for eligibility to participate in the Program?(a)Eligibility. A Tribe is eligible to participate in the Program if-(1) The Tribe requests participation in the Program by resolution or other official action by the governing body of the Tribe; and(2) The Department determines, based on the evidence submitted by the Tribe, that, over the 3 most recent fiscal years, the Tribe has demonstrated financial stability and financial management capability, and transportation program management capability in accordance with the criteria specified in 23 U.S.C. 207(b) and this section.(b)Financial stability and financial management capability. In making the eligibility determination under 23 U.S.C. 207(b) , the Department must determine that a Tribe demonstrates financial stability and financial management capability. To assist the Department in determining whether a Tribe meets the financial stability and financial management capability criterion, a Tribe must satisfy one of the following evidence standards:(1)Conclusive evidence. A Tribe subject to the Single Audit Act demonstrates financial stability and financial management capability by providing evidence establishing that, during the preceding 3 fiscal years, the Tribe had no uncorrected significant and material audit exceptions in the required annual audit of the Tribe's self-determination contracts or self-governance funding agreements with any Federal agency. This will be conclusive evidence that the Tribe has satisfied the financial stability and financial management capability criterion.(2)Sufficient evidence. A Tribe subject to the Single Audit Act that has a TTP Agreement, or a grant award provided by the Department may provide evidence establishing that, during the preceding 3 fiscal years, the Tribe had no uncorrected significant and material audit exceptions in its required single audit of the Tribe's Federal award programs. This will be sufficient evidence that the Tribe has satisfied the financial stability and financial management capability criterion.(3)Evidence without a mandate to comply with the Single Audit Act. If a Tribe is not subject to the Single Audit Act, a Tribe may provide evidence of the following for the Department's determination of whether the Tribe satisfies the financial stability and financial management capability criterion:(i) An independent audit, consistent with 2 CFR 200.514 , containing no uncorrected significant and material audit exceptions that covers the preceding 3 fiscal years of the Tribe's self-determination contracts or self-governance funding agreements with any Federal agency, TTP Agreements, or a grant award from the Department; and(ii) Evidence demonstrating that the Tribe has financial management systems and standards that meet or exceed the standards set forth in §§ 29.505 through 29.511 and 29.515 of this part. The Department will confirm in writing within 90 days of receipt of any such submission by the Tribe whether the Tribe's management systems meet the required standards.(c)Transportation program management capability. In making the eligibility determination under 23 U.S.C. 207(b) , the Department also must determine that a Tribe demonstrates transportation program management capability, including the capability to manage and complete projects eligible under title 23 and chapter 53 of title 49 of the U.S. Code, based on the totality of the evidence that a Tribe submits to the Department.(1)Evidence of transportation management capability. To assist the Department in determining whether a Tribe meets the transportation program management capability criterion, a Tribe may submit evidence including:(i) Documentation showing that the Tribe has previously or is currently directing or carrying out transportation services, projects, or programs under a self-determination contract, self-governance compact, a TTP Agreement, or a grant award with the Department.(ii) Documentation showing the extent to which the Tribe previously received Federal funding and carried out management responsibilities relating to the planning, design, delivery, construction, maintenance, or operation of transportation-related projects, and whether they were completed;(iii) Documentation that the Tribe has established and maintains, as appropriate, a staffed and operational transportation or transit program, department, commission, board, or official of any Tribal government charged by its laws with the responsibility for transportation-related responsibilities, including administration, planning, maintenance, and construction activities. This documentation should identify the Tribal personnel, job descriptions, and expertise necessary to administer or implement PSFAs that the Tribe proposes to assume under the Program. The documentation may also include resolutions, other authorizations, or proposed budgets demonstrating that the Tribe has taken steps to organize a Tribal office or department to address the transportation-related needs of the Tribe and how that entity has or will demonstrate transportation program management capacity; and(iv) Documentation showing the completion of one or more transportation projects or operation of a program that is related to or similar to the PSFA the Tribe requests to include in a funding agreement negotiated between the Department and the Tribe. The Department will consider the number, complexity, and type of projects or programs that the Tribe has carried out and describes as part of this determination. This documentation should address the substantive involvement of the Tribe in operating a transportation program, which may be demonstrated by:(A) Involvement in the development of a completed and approved highway safety plan;(B) Involvement in the development of completed and approved plans, specifications, and estimates design package for one or more transportation projects to be carried out with available funding;(C) Involvement in the delivery of a completed and approved transportation construction project using Federal or non-Federal funds;(D) Oversight or operation of a public transit project or public transit system;(E) Oversight or operation of a transportation maintenance system; or(F) Other information that evidences the transportation program management capabilities of the Tribe.(2)Other indicia of program management capability. In determining transportation program management capability, the Department will consider any other evidence that a Tribe may submit, including the operation by the Tribe of non-transportation programs of similar complexity, size, administrative need, staffing requirement, or budget.(d)Program eligibility determination. The Department will make its determination of a Tribe's eligibility according to the following time frames:(1) Within 30 days of receipt of a Tribe's submission seeking an eligibility determination under this section to participate in the Program, the Department will notify the Tribe in writing to confirm that it has received the submission and notify the Tribe whether any evidence necessary to make the determination is missing.(3) Within 120 days of receipt of an initial submission, the Department will issue its determination of a Tribe's eligibility to participate in the Program. If the Tribe provides additional evidence to complete the application, the Department will have up to an additional 45 days after such submittal to issue its determination of the Tribe's eligibility to participate in the Program. The determination will constitute final agency action, which the Tribe may appeal in accordance with §§ 29.904 through 29.911 .(e)Technical assistance. A Tribe with one or more uncorrected significant and material audit exceptions may request technical assistance from the Department through the Self-Governance Official. To the extent feasible, the Department will provide technical assistance, such as feedback on management systems and standards or review of internal controls, with the goal of assisting the Tribe to establish eligibility for the Program. Where audit exceptions involve funding administered by another Federal agency, the Tribe will resolve those exceptions with that agency.