As prescribed in 970.2704-3(b), insert the following clause:
Computer data bases, as used in this clause, means a collection of data in a form capable of, and for the purpose of, being stored in, processed, and operated on by a computer. The term does not include computer software.
Computer software, as used in this clause, means:
Data, as used in this clause, means recorded information, regardless of form or the media on which it may be recorded. The term includes technical data and computer software. The term "data" does not include data incidental to the administration of this contract, such as financial, administrative, cost and pricing, or management information.
Department of Energy (DOE), as used in this clause, includes the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), unless otherwise identified or indicated.
Limited rights data, as used in this clause, means data, other than computer software, developed at private expense that embody trade secrets or are commercial or financial and confidential or privileged. The Government's rights to use, duplicate, or disclose limited rights data are as set forth in the Limited Rights Notice of paragraph (g) of this clause.
Open source software, as used in this clause, means computer software with its source code that is distributed under a license in which the user is granted the right to use, copy, modify, and prepare derivative works thereof, without having to make royalty payments.
Patent Counsel means the DOE or NNSA Patent Counsel assisting the contracting activity.
Restricted computer software, as used in this clause, means computer software developed at private expense and that is a trade secret; is commercial or financial and is confidential or privileged; or is published copyrighted computer software, including minor modifications of any such computer software. The Government's rights to use, duplicate, or disclose restricted computer software are as set forth in the Restricted Rights Notice of paragraph (h) of this clause.
Technical data, as used in this clause, means recorded data, regardless of form or characteristic, that are of a scientific or technical nature. Technical data does not include computer software, but does include manuals and instructional materials and technical data formatted as a computer data base.
Unlimited rights, as used in this clause, means the rights of the Government to use, disclose, reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, including by electronic means, and perform publicly and display publicly, in any manner, including by electronic means, and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others to do so.
A suitable notice (long version) reflecting the Government's non-exclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, world-wide license in the copyright.
Notice: This work was produced by [insert the name of the Contractor] under contract No. [insert the contract number] with the U.S. Department of Energy. The United States Government retains and the publisher, by accepting the work for publication, acknowledges that the United States Government retains a non-exclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, world-wide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this work, or allow others to do so, for United States Government purposes. The Department of Energy will provide public access to these results of federally sponsored research in accordance with the DOE Public Access Plan [insert current link].
A suitable notice (short version) reflecting the Government's non-exclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, world-wide license in the copyright follows:
Notice: This work was produced by [insert the name of the Contractor] under Contract No. [insert the contract number] with the U.S. Department of Energy. Publisher acknowledges the U.S. Government license to provide public access under the DOE Public Access Plan [insert current link].
Notice: These data were produced by (insert name of Contractor) under Contract No. ___ with the Department of Energy. During the period of commercialization or such other time period specified by the Department of Energy, the Government is granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a nonexclusive, paid-up, irrevocable worldwide license in this data to reproduce, prepare derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, by or on behalf of the Government. Subsequent to that period the Government is granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a nonexclusive, paid-up, irrevocable worldwide license in this data to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so. The specific term of the license can be identified by inquiry made to Contractor or DOE. Neither the United States nor the United States Department of Energy, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any data, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.
Notice: This computer software was prepared by [insert the Contractor's name and the individual author], hereinafter the Contractor, under Contract [insert the Contract Number] with the Department of Energy (DOE). All rights in the computer software are reserved by DOE on behalf of the United States Government and the Contractor as provided in the Contract. You are authorized to use this computer software for Governmental purposes but it is not to be released or distributed to the public. NEITHER THE GOVERNMENT NOR THE CONTRACTOR MAKES ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OR ASSUMES ANY LIABILITY FOR THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. This notice including this sentence must appear on any copies of this computer software.
Limited Rights Notice
These data contain "limited rights data," furnished under Contract No. ___ with the United States Department of Energy which may be duplicated and used by the Government with the express limitations that the "limited rights data" may not be disclosed outside the Government or be used for purposes of manufacture without prior permission of the Contractor, except that further disclosure or use may be made solely for the following purposes:
This Notice shall be marked on any reproduction of this data in whole or in part.
Use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in the Long Form Notice of DOE Contract No. __ with (name of Contractor).
Alternate I (DEC 2000). As prescribed in 970.2704-3(b), where access to Category C-24 restricted data is contemplated in the performance of a contract the contracting officer shall insert the phrase "and except Restricted Data in category C-24, 10 CFR part 725, in which DOE has reserved the right to receive reasonable compensation for the use of its inventions and discoveries, including related data and technology" after "laser isotope separation" and before the comma in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of the clause at 970.5227-2, Rights in Data-Technology Transfer, as appropriate.
Alternate II (DATE XXXX). As prescribed in 970.2704-3(b), where government facilities are being constructed, modified, or in decontamination and decommissioning, and it is anticipated that further solicitation may be required to complete the project, insert paragraph (f) in the Limited Rights Notice of the basic clause:
48 C.F.R. §§970.5227-2