DETERMINATION FOR USE OF AUTHORITY TO WAIVE ________[fill in what is being waived]
SUBJECT: [State title of program or project]
DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENT: [Briefly describe what is being acquired]
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: [Cite specific statute, such as 22 U.S.C. 2291(a)(4) for INL, and provide quotation from the law that conveys authority for the waiver at issue]
SCOPE OF WAIVER: [Describe what is being waived, such as (but not limited to) the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) in its entirety, the Competition in Contracting Act as implemented in FAR Parts 5 and 6, or FAR Part 32 limitation on advance payments, etc.; also identify the individual acquisition or class of acquisitions for which the waiver is being sought.]
JUSTIFICATION: [Describe the need to use the authority and the anticipated impact of not doing so; discuss alternatives considered, if any]
Contracting Officer
Legal Advisor
Approving Official
48 C.F.R. §§601.601-70