48 C.F.R. §§ 1019.202-70

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 1019.202-70 - The Treasury Mentor ProtegeProgram
(a)-(b) [Reserved]
(c)Non-affiliation. For purposes of the Small Business Act, a protege firm may not be considered an affiliate of a mentor firm solely on the basis that the protege firm is receiving developmental assistance referred to in paragraph (m) of this section, from such mentor firm under the Mentor-Protege Program.
(d)General policy.
(1) Eligible contractors, not included on the "System for Award Management Exclusions" that are approved as mentors will enter into agreements with eligible proteges. Mentors provide appropriate developmental assistance to enhance the capabilities of proteges to perform as contractors or subcontractors.
(2) A firm's status as a protege under a Treasury contract shall not have an effect on the firm's eligibility to seek other contracts or subcontracts.
(e)Incentives for contractor participation.
(1) Under the Small Business Act, 15 U.S.C. 637(d)(4)(E) , Treasury is authorized to provide appropriate incentives in negotiated contractual actions to encourage subcontracting opportunities consistent with the efficient and economical performance of the contract. Proposed mentor-protege efforts will be considered during the evaluation of such negotiated, competitive offers. Contracting Officers may provide, as an incentive, a bonus score, not to exceed 5% of the relative importance assigned to the non-price factors. If this incentive is used, the Contracting Officer shall include language in the solicitation indicating that this adjustment may occur.
(2) Before awarding a contract that requires a subcontracting plan, the existence of a mentor-protege arrangement, and performance (if any) under such an existing arrangement, will be considered by the Contracting Officer in:
(i) Evaluating the quality of a proposed subcontracting plan under FAR 19.705-4; and,
(ii) Evaluating the contractor compliance with the subcontracting plans submitted in previous contracts as a factor in determining contractor responsibility under FAR 19.705-5(a)(1).
(3) The Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) Mentoring Award is a non-monetary award that will be presented (annually on a fiscal year basis or as often as is appropriate) to the mentoring firm providing the most effective developmental support of a protege. The Mentor-Protege Program Manager will recommend an award winner to the Director, OSDBU.
(f) [Reserved]
(g)Mentor firms. A mentor firm may be either a large or small business, eligible for award of a Government contract that can provide developmental assistance to enhance the capabilities of proteges to perform as subcontractors. Mentors will be encouraged to enter into arrangements with proteges in addition to firms with whom they have established business relationships.
(h)Protege firms.
(1) For selection as a protege, a firm must be:
(i) A small business, women-owned small business, small disadvantaged business, small business owned and controlled by veteran or service disabled veteran, or qualified HUBZone small business, or a qualified 8(a) concern;
(ii) Qualified as a small business under the NAICS code for the services or supplies to be provided by the protege under its subcontract to the mentor; and
(iii) Eligible for award of Government contracts.
(2) Except small disadvantaged businesses and qualified HUBZone small business firms, a protege firm may self-certify to a mentor firm that it meets the requirements set forth in paragraph (h)(1) of this section. Mentors may rely in good faith on written representations by potential proteges that they meet the specified eligibility requirements. The h(1)(i), small disadvantaged business, or qualified HUBZone small business status eligibility and documentation requirements are determined according to FAR 19.304 and 19.1303, respectively.
(3) Proteges may not have multiple mentors unless approved, in writing, by the Director, OSDBU. Proteges participating in other agency mentor protege programs in addition to the Treasury Mentor-Protege Program should maintain a system for preparing separate reports of mentoring activity for each agency's program.
(i)Selection of protege firms.
(1) Mentor firms will be solely responsible for selecting protege firms. The mentor is encouraged to identify and select the types of protege firms listed in 1019.202-70(h). Mentor firms may have multiple proteges.
(2) The selection of protege firms by mentor firms may not be protested. Any question regarding the size or eligibility status of an entity selected by a mentor to be a protege must be referred solely to Treasury's OSDBU for resolution. Treasury, at its discretion, may seek an advisory opinion from the Small Business Administration (SBA).
(j)Application process for mentor firms to participate in the program.
(1) Firms interested in becoming a mentor firm may apply in writing to Treasury's OSDBU. The application will be evaluated based upon the description of the nature and extent of technical and managerial support proposed as well as the extent of other developmental assistance in the form of equity investment, loans, joint-venture support and traditional subcontracting support.
(k)OSDBU review and approval process of agreement.
(1) OSDBU will review the information specified in 1019.202-70(l). The OSDBU review will be completed no later than 30 calendar days after receipt.
(2) Upon completion of the review, the mentor may implement the developmental assistance program.
(3) An approved agreement will be incorporated into the mentor firm's contract(s) with Treasury.
(4) If OSDBU disapproves the agreement, the mentor may provide additional information for reconsideration. Upon finding deficiencies that OSDBU considers correctable, OSDBU will notify the mentor and provide a list of defects. Any additional information or corrections requested will be provided within 30 calendar days. The review of any supplemental material will be completed within 30 calendar days after receipt by OSDBU. When submission of additional data is required during a proposal evaluation for a new contract award, shorter timeframes for submission, review and re-evaluation for approval may be authorized by OSDBU.
(5) The agreement defines the relationship between the mentor and protege firms only. The agreement itself does not create any privity of contract between the mentor or protege and Treasury.
(l)Agreement contents. The contents of the agreement will contain:
(1) Names and addresses of mentor and protege firms and a point of contact within both firms who will oversee the agreement;
(2) Procedures for the mentor firm to notify the protege firm, OSDBU and the Contracting Officer, in writing, at least 30 days in advance of the mentor firm's intent to voluntarily withdraw from the Mentor-Protege Program;
(3) Procedures for a protege firm to notify the mentor firm in writing at least 30 days in advance of the protege firm's intent to voluntarily terminate the mentor-protege agreement. The mentor must notify OSDBU and the Contracting Officer immediately upon receipt of such notice from the protege;
(4) Each proposed mentor-protege relationship must include information on the mentor's ability to provide developmental assistance to the protege and how that assistance will potentially increase contracting and subcontracting opportunities for the protege firm;
(5) A description of the type of developmental program that will be provided by the mentor firm to the protege firm, to include a description of the potential subcontract work, and a schedule for providing assistance and criteria for evaluation of the proteges developmental success;
(6) A listing of the types and dollar amounts of subcontracts that may be awarded to the protege firm;
(7) Program participation term;
(8) Termination procedures;
(9) Plan for accomplishing work should the agreement be terminated; and
(10) Other terms and conditions, as appropriate.
(m)Developmental assistance. The forms of developmental assistance a mentor can provide to a protege include:
(1) Management guidance relating to financial management, organizational management, overall business management/planning, business development, and technical assistance.
(2) Loans;
(3) Rent-free use of facilities and/or equipment;
(4) Property;
(5) Temporary assignment of personnel to protege for purpose of training; and
(6) Any other types of mutually beneficial assistance.
(1) Mentor or protege firms may voluntarily withdraw from the Mentor-Protege Program. However, such withdrawal shall not excuse the contractor from compliance with contract requirements.
(2) At the conclusion of each year in the Mentor-Protege Program, the contractor and protege must formally brief the Department of the Treasury team regarding program accomplishments as they pertain to the approved agreement. Individual briefings may be conducted, at the request of either party. Treasury will consider the following:
(i) Specific actions taken by the mentor, during the evaluation period, to increase the participation of proteges as suppliers to the Federal government and to commercial entities;
(ii) Specific actions taken by the mentor, during the evaluation period, to develop the technical and corporate administrative expertise of a protege as defined in the agreement;
(iii) To what extent the protege has met the developmental objectives in the agreement; and
(iv) To what extent the mentor firm's participation in the Mentor-Protege Program resulted in the protege receiving contract(s) and subcontract(s) from private firms and agencies other than the Department of the Treasury.
(v) Mentor and protege firms must submit an evaluation to OSDBU at the conclusion of the mutually agreed upon program period, the conclusion of the contract, or the voluntary withdrawal by either party from the Mentor-Protege Program, whichever comes first.
(vi) Protege firms shall submit a post completion report 24 months after exiting the Mentor-Protege Program. The post completion report will assist the Department of the Treasury in assessing the progress of Protege firms upon completion of the program.
(o) [Reserved]
(p)Solicitation provisions and contract clauses
(1) Insert the provision at 1052.219-73, Department of the Treasury Mentor-Protege Program, in all unrestricted solicitations exceeding $650,000 ($1,500,000 for construction) that offer subcontracting possibilities.
(2) Insert the clause at 1052.219-75, Mentor Requirements and Evaluation, in solicitations and contracts where the contractor is a participant in the Treasury Mentor-Protege Program.

48 C.F.R. §§1019.202-70

76 FR 42057, July 18, 2011, as amended at 80 FR 11596, Mar. 4, 2015