Section 69.406 - Local business office expenses in Account 6620(a) Local business office expenses shall be assigned as follows:(1) End user service order processing expenses attributable to presubscription shall be apportioned among the Common Line, Switching, and Transport elements in the same proportion as the investment apportioned to those elements pursuant to § 69.309 .(2) End user service order processing, payment and collection, and billing inquiry expenses attributable to the company's own interstate private line and special access service shall be assigned to the Special Access element.(3) End user service order processing, payment and collection, and billing inquiry expenses attributable to interstate private line service offered by an interexhange carrier shall be assigned to the billing and collection category.(4) End user service order processing, payment and collection, and billing inquiry expenses attributable to the company's own interstate message toll service shall be assigned to the interexchange category. End user service order processing, payment and collection, and billing inquiry expenses attributable to interstate message toll service offered by an interexchange carrier shall be assigned to the billing and collection category. End user payment and collection and billing inquiry expenses attributable to End User Common Line access billing shall be assigned to the Common Line element.(5) End user service order processing, payment and collection, and billing inquiry expenses attributable to TWX service shall be assigned to the Special Access element.(6) Interexchange carrier service order processing, payment and collection, and billing inquiry expenses attributable to private lines and special access shall be assigned to the Special Access element.(7) Interexchange carrier service order processing, payment and collection, and billing inquiry expenses attributable to interstate switched access and message toll, shall be apportioned among the Common Line, Local Switching and Transport elements in the same proportion as the investment apportioned to those elements pursuant to § 69.309 .(8) Interexchange carrier service order processing, payment and collection, and billing inquiry expenses attributable to billing and collection service shall be assigned to the billing and collection category.52 FR 37313, Oct. 6, 1987, as amended at 62 FR 31939, June 11, 1997