Section 54.1716 - Children's Internet Protection Act certifications(a)Definitions - (1)School. For the purposes of the certification requirements of this section, school means school, school board, school district, local education agency or other authority responsible for administration of a school.(2)Library. For the purposes of the certification requirements of this section, library means library, library board or authority responsible for administration of a library.(3)Billed entity. Billed entity is defined in § 54.1700 . In the case of a consortium, the billed entity is the lead member of the consortium.(4)Connected devices. Connected devices are defined in § 54.1700 .(b)Who is required to make certifications ? (1) A school or library that receives support for internet access, internet service, or internal connections services under the Federal universal service support mechanism for schools and libraries, or internet access or internet service through the Emergency Connectivity Fund, must make such certifications as described in paragraph (c) of this section. The certifications required and described in paragraph (c) of this section must be made in each funding year.(2) A school or library that receives support for connected devices through the Emergency Connectivity Fund and uses internet access or internet service funded through the Federal universal service support mechanism for schools and libraries or through the Emergency Connectivity Fund must make the certifications as described in paragraph (c) of this section. The certifications required and described in paragraph (c) of this section must be made in each funding year.(3) Schools and libraries that are not receiving support for internet access, internet service, or internal connections under the Federal universal service support mechanism for schools and libraries; internet access or internet service through the Emergency Connectivity Fund; or connected devices that do not use internet access or internet service funded through the Federal universal service support mechanism for schools and libraries or the Emergency Connectivity Fund are not subject to the requirements in 47 U.S.C. 254(h) and (l) , but must indicate, pursuant to the certification requirements in paragraph (c) of this section, that they are not receiving support for such services or that the connected devices do not use internet access or internet service funded through the Federal universal service support mechanism for schools and libraries or the Emergency Connectivity Fund.(c)Certifications required under 47 U.S.C. 254(h) and (1) . (1) An Emergency Connectivity Fund applicant need not complete additional Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) compliance certifications if the applicant has already certified its CIPA compliance for the relevant funding year (i.e., has certified its compliance in an FCC Form 486 or FCC Form 479).(2) Emergency Connectivity Fund applicants that have not already certified their CIPA compliance for an E-Rate application for the relevant funding year (i.e., have not completed a FCC Form 486 or FCC Form 479), will be required to certify: (i) That they are in compliance with CIPA requirements under sections 254(h) and (l);(ii) That they are undertaking the actions necessary to comply with CIPA requirements as part of their request for support through the Emergency Connectivity Fund; or(iii) If applicable, that the requirements of CIPA do not apply, because the applicant is not receiving support for internet access, internet service, or internal connections under the Federal universal service support mechanism for schools and libraries or internet access or internet service through the Emergency Connectivity Fund, or the connected devices do not use internet access or internet service funded through the Federal universal support mechanism for schools and libraries or the Emergency Connectivity Fund.(d)Failure to provide certifications -(1)Schools and libraries. A school or library that knowingly fails to submit certifications as required by this section shall not be eligible for support through the Emergency Connectivity Fund until such certifications are submitted.(2)Consortia. A billed entity's knowing failure to collect the required certifications from its eligible school and library members or knowing failure to certify that it collected the required certifications shall render the entire consortium ineligible for support through the Emergency Connectivity Fund.(3)Reestablishing eligibility. At any time, a school or library deemed ineligible for equipment and services under the Emergency Connectivity Fund because of failure to submit certifications required by this section may reestablish eligibility for support by providing the required certifications to the Administrator and the Commission.(e)Failure to comply with the certifications - (1)Schools and libraries. A school or library that knowingly fails to comply with the certifications required by this section must reimburse any funds and support received under the Emergency Connectivity Fund for the period in which there was noncompliance.(2)Consortia. In the case of consortium applications, the eligibility for support of consortium members who comply with the certification requirements of this section shall not be affected by the failure of other school or library consortium members to comply with such requirements.(3)Reestablishing compliance. At any time, a school or library deemed ineligible for support through the Emergency Connectivity Fund for failure to comply with the certification requirements of this section and that has been directed to reimburse the program for support received during the period of noncompliance may reestablish compliance by complying with the certification requirements under this section. Upon submittal to the Commission of a certification or other appropriate evidence of such remedy, the school or library shall be eligible for support through the Emergency Connectivity Fund.(f)Waivers based on state or local procurement rules and regulations and competitive bidding requirements. Waivers shall be granted to schools and libraries when the authority responsible for making the certifications required by this section cannot make the required certifications because its state or local procurement rules or regulations or competitive bidding requirements prevent the making of the certification otherwise required. The waiver shall be granted upon the provision, by the authority responsible for making the certifications on behalf of schools or libraries, that the schools or libraries will be brought into compliance with the requirements of this section before the close of the relevant funding year.