Acceptance means certification by the Coast Guard that a component is suitable for use in the manufacture of Coast Guard-approved PFDs.
Commandant means the Chief of the Lifesaving and Fire Safety Division, Office of Engineering and Design Standards, U.S. Coast Guard. Address: Commandant (CG-ENG-4), Attn: Lifesaving and Fire Safety Division, U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7509, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20593-7509; telephone 202-372-1392.
Component manufacturer means either a component manufacturer or supplier seeking acceptance of a component, or a component manufacturer or supplier who has obtained acceptance of a component.
Inspector means a Coast Guard marine inspector, authorized representative of the Coast Guard, or a recognized laboratory representative.
Non-standard component means a PFD component which is equivalent in performance to a standard component.
PFD Type means the performance type designation as indicated in 33 CFR part 175 and this subchapter.
Standard component means a PFD component which complies in all respects with the material, construction, and performance requirements of a subpart of this part or part 160 of this chapter.
Use Code means an alphanumeric code assigned by the Commandant (CG-ENG-4) to a PFD component to designate the PFD Type(s) in which it may be used. Assigned Use Codes are listed in table 164.019-3.
Table 164.019-3
Use code | PFD type acceptable for use |
1 | I, II, and III. |
2 | II and III. |
3 | III. |
4B | IV (all Ring Buoys). |
4BC | IV (Buoyant Cushions). |
4RB | IV (Recreational Ring Buoys only). |
5 | Wearable Type V (intended use must be specified). |
5H | V (Hybrid). |
5R | V (Recreational Style). |
5SB | V (Sailboard vests). |
5WV | V (Work vests). |
6 | Special, limited, or restricted use. |
Suffix A | Adult only. |
Suffix C | Child only. |
46 C.F.R. §164.019-3