Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 153.1100 - Responsibility of the person in charge
- Section 153.1101 - Procedures for getting a Surveyor: Approval of Surveyors
- Section 153.1102 - Handling and disposal of NLS residue: Categories A, B, C, and D
- Section 153.1104 - Draining of cargo hose: Categories A, B, C, and D
- Section 153.1106 - Cleaning agents
- Section 153.1108 - Heated prewash for solidifying NLS, high viscosity NLS and required prewashes of NLS whose viscosity exceeds 25 mPa sec at 20°C: Categories A, B, and C
- Section 153.1112 - Prewash for tanks containing Category A NLS residue
- Section 153.1114 - Conditions under which a prewash may be omitted: Categories A, B, and C
- Section 153.1116 - Prewash for tanks unloaded without following the approved Procedures and Arrangements Manual: Categories B and C
- Section 153.1118 - Prewash of Categories B and C cargo tanks not meeting stripping standards: Categories B and C
- Section 153.1119 - When to prewash and discharge NLS residues from a prewash; unloading an NLS cargo in a country whose Administration is not signatory to MARPOL 73/78: Categories A, B, and C
- Section 153.1120 - Procedures for tank prewash: Categories A, B, and C
- Section 153.1122 - Discharges of NLS residue from tank washing other than a prewash: Categories A, B, and C
- Section 153.1124 - Discharges of Category D NLS residue
- Section 153.1126 - Discharge of NLS residue from a slop tank to the sea: Categories A, B, C, and D
- Section 153.1128 - Discharge of NLS residue from a cargo tank to the sea: Categories A. B, C, and D
- Section 153.1130 - Failure of slops discharge recording equipment; operating with, reporting failures, and replacing pollution equipment: Category A, B, C, D
- Section 153.1132 - Reporting spills and non-complying discharges: Category A, B, C, and D