46 C.F.R. § 34.05-5

Current through November 30, 2024
Section 34.05-5 - Fire extinguishing systems-T/ALL
(a) Approved fire extinguishing systems must be installed on all tankships in the following locations. Previously approved installations may be retained as long as they are maintained in good condition to the satisfaction of the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
(1)Dry cargo compartments. A carbon dioxide or water spray system must be installed for the protection of all dry cargo compartments. Where such compartments are readily accessible by means of doors such spaces need be protected only by the fire main system.
(2)Cargo tanks. A deck foam system must be installed for the protection of all cargo tank spaces. Where a deck foam system is installed, an approved inert gas, steam or other system may also be installed for the purposes of fire prevention or inerting of cargo tanks. For vessels under 100 feet in length, the semiportable equipment required by footnote 1 of table 34.05-5(a) will be considered as meeting the requirements of this subparagraph.
(3)Lamp and paint lockers and similar spaces. A carbon dioxide or clean agent system as described in 46 CFR subpart 95.16 or a water spray system must be installed in all lamp and paint lockers, oil rooms, and similar spaces.
(4)Pump rooms. A carbon dioxide or clean agent system as described in 46 CFR subpart 95.16, a foam spray system, or a water spray system must be installed for the protection of all pump rooms. If a clean agent system is installed for the pump room of a tank ship carrying chemical cargos, the amount of extinguishing agent must be determined by using the agent design concentration determined by the cup burner method, described in NFPA 2001 (incorporated by reference; see § 34.01-15 ) for the cargo requiring the greatest amount of agent.
(5)Boiler rooms. On tankships contracted for on or after November 19, 1952, a carbon dioxide or clean agent system as described in 46 CFR subpart 95.16 or a foam system must be installed to protect any space containing a main or auxiliary oil fired boiler, the boiler fuel oil service pump, or any fuel oil units such as heaters, strainers, valves, manifolds, etc., that are subject to the discharge pressure of the fuel oil service pumps.
(6)Machinery spaces. A carbon dioxide or clean agent system as described in 46 CFR subpart 95.16 must be installed to protect any machinery space containing an internal combustion-propelling engine that uses fuel having a flashpoint of less than 110 degrees Fahrenheit.
(7)Internal combustion installations. A fire extinguishing system must be provided for an internal combustion installation and:
(i) The system must be a carbon dioxide or clean agent system as described in 46 CFR subpart 95.16;
(ii) On vessels of 1,000 gross tons and over on an international voyage, the construction or conversion of which is contracted for on or after May 26, 1965, a carbon dioxide or clean agent system as described in 46 CFR subpart 95.16 must be installed in any space containing internal combustion or gas turbine main propulsion machinery, auxiliaries with an aggregate power of 1,000 b.h.p. or greater, or their fuel oil units, including purifiers, valves, and manifolds; and
(iii) On vessels of 1,000 gross tons and over, the construction, conversion or automation of which is contracted for on or after January 1, 1968, a carbon dioxide or clean agent system as described in 46 CFR subpart 95.16 must be installed in any space containing internal combustion or gas turbine main propulsion machinery, auxiliaries with an aggregate power of 1,000 b.h.p. or greater, or their fuel oil units, including purifiers, valves and manifolds.
(8)Enclosed ventilating system. On tankships contracted for on or after January 1, 1962, where an enclosed ventilating system is installed for electric propulsion motors or generators, a carbon dioxide extinguishing system shall be installed in such system.
(b) The arrangements and details of the fire-extinguishing systems shall be as set forth in subparts 34.10 through 34.20.

46 C.F.R. §34.05-5

CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16694, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGFR 67-90, 33 FR 1015, Jan. 26, 1968; CGD 77-057a, 44 FR 66502, Nov. 19, 1979; CGD 95-027, 61 FR 25998, May 23, 1996; USCG-2006-24797, 77 FR 33873 , June 7, 2012