Section 14.201 - Voyages upon which shipping articles are required(a) Before proceeding either upon a foreign, intercoastal, or coastwise voyage (including a voyage on the Great Lakes) listed in paragraph (b) of this section or with the engagement or replacement of a merchant mariner for such a voyage, each master or individual in charge of a vessel or seagoing barge of the United States must execute shipping articles however prepared, manually or electronically. The master or individual in charge and each mariner engaged or replaced must sign the articles.(b) Except as provided by § 14.203 of this subpart, articles are required upon each voyage by a vessel of the United States-(1) Of 100 GRT or more, on a foreign voyage, which is a voyage from a port in the United States to any foreign port other than a port in-(2) Of 75 GRT or more on a voyage between a port of the United States on the Atlantic Ocean and a port of the United States on the Pacific Coast; or(3) Of 50 GRT or more on a voyage between a port in one State and a port in another State other than an adjoining State.CGD 94-004, 61 FR 56637, Nov. 4, 1996, as amended by USCG-2004-17914, 78 FR 77999 , Dec. 24, 2013