43 C.F.R. § 29.4

Current through May 31, 2024
Section 29.4 - General powers

The Fund shall have such powers as may be necessary and appropriate for the exercise of the powers herein specifically and impliedly conferred upon the Fund and all such incidental powers as are customary in non-profit corporations generally, including but not limited to the following:

(a) By resolution of the Board of Trustees, the fund shall adopt a corporate seal.
(b) The Fund may sue and be sued in its corporate name and may employ counsel to represent it.
(c) The Fund shall be a resident of the State of Alaska with its principal place of business in Alaska, and the Board of Trustees shall establish a business office or offices as deemed necessary for the operation of the Fund.
(d) In any civil action for the recovery of damages resulting from an incident, the Fund shall waive personal jurisdiction upon being furnished with a copy of the summons and complaint in the action.
(e) The Board of Trustees of the Fund, by a majority of those present and voting, shall adopt and may amend and repeal by-laws governing the performance of its statutory duties.
(f) The Fund shall do all things necessary and proper in conducting its activities as Trustee including
(1) Receipt of fee collections pursuant to section 204(c)(6) of the Act;
(2) Payment of costs and expenses reasonably necessary to the administration of the Fund as well as costs required to satisfy claims against the Fund;
(3) Investment of all sums not needed for administration and the satisfaction of claims in income-producing securities as hereinafter provided; and
(4) Seeking recovery of any monies to which it is entitled as subrogee under circumstances set forth in section 204(c)(8) of the Act.
(g) The Fund shall determine the character of and the necessity for its obligations and expenditures, and the manner in which they shall be incurred, allowed, and paid. The Board of Trustees shall establish an annual budget, subject to the approval of the Secretary.
(h) All costs and expenses reasonably necessary to the administration of the Fund, including costs and expenses incident to the termination, settlement, or payment of claims, are properly chargeable as expenses and payable out of fees or other income of the Fund.

43 C.F.R. § 29.4