Current through November 30, 2024
Section 65a.9 - [Effective until 10/1/2025] What are the terms and conditions of awards?In addition to being subject to other applicable regulations (see § 65a.11), grants awarded under this part are subject to the following terms and conditions:
(a)Material changes. Except as otherwise provided by 45 CFR 75.308 , the grantee may not materially change the quality, nature, scope, or duration of the program unless the written approval of the Director is obtained prior to the change.(b)Additional conditions. The Director may impose additional conditions prior to the award of any grant under this part if it is determined by the Director that the conditions are necessary to carry out the purpose of the grant or assure or protect advancement of the approved program, the interests of the public health, or the conservation of grant funds.61 FR 55114, Oct. 24, 1996, as amended at 81 FR 3010 , Jan. 20, 2016