- Section 102-74.315 - What is the smoking policy for interior space in Federal facilities?
- Section 102-74.320 - Are there any exceptions to the smoking policy for interior space in Federal facilities?
- Section 102-74.325 - Are designated smoking areas authorized in interior space?
- Section 102-74.330 - What smoking restrictions apply to outside areas under Executive branch control?
- Section 102-74.335 - Who is responsible for furnishing and installing signs concerning smoking restrictions in the building, and in and around building entrance doorways and air intake ducts?
- Section 102-74.340 - Who is responsible for monitoring and controlling areas designated for smoking by an agency head and for identifying those areas with proper signage?
- Section 102-74.345 - Does the smoking policy in this part apply to the judicial branch?
- Section 102-74.350 - Are agencies required to meet their obligations under the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Act where there is an exclusive representative for the employees prior to implementing this smoking policy?
- Section 102-74.351 - If a state or local government has a smoke-free ordinance that is more strict than the smoking policy for Federal facilities, does the state or local law or Federal policy control?