41 C.F.R. § 102-33.180

Current through November 30, 2024
Section 102-33.180 - What standards should we establish or require (contractually, where applicable) for aviation safety management?

You should establish or require (contractually, where applicable) the following aviation safety management standards:

(a) By June 30, 2015, a Safety Management System (SMS) that complies with the FAA's current Advisory Circular that addresses Safety Management Systems (SMS) or an equivalent internationally recognized SMS standard. The SMS should include:
(1) Policies that define clear roles and responsibilities for implementing an SMS. This includes ensuring that senior level management has the ultimate responsibility for your SMS. It also includes appointing members of management as qualified aviation safety managers and safety officers (i.e., individuals who are responsible for an agency's aviation safety program, regardless of title), who should be-
(i) Experienced as pilots, crewmembers, maintenance personnel, or have experience in aviation management or aviation maintenance program management; and
(ii) Graduated or certificated from an aviation safety officer course provided by a recognized training provider and authority in aviation safety before appointment or within one year after appointment; and
(2) A program for preventing accidents, which includes-
(i) Measurable accident prevention procedures (e.g., safety reviews, clear roles and responsibilities, operations and maintenance procedures, pilot and mechanic proficiency evaluations, fire drills, hazard analyses);
(ii) A procedure or system for disseminating accident-prevention information;
(iii) Safety training;
(iv) An aviation safety awards program that includes applying for the annual Federal Aviation Awards as appropriate;
(v) An annual review to ensure compliance with the GSA Gold Standard Program; and
(vi) A safety council or committee (applies to Federal aircraft-owning agencies);
(b) Procedures and processes for risk analysis and risk management that identify and mitigate hazards through formal administrative and engineering controls and provide recommendations to senior level managers for managing risk to an optimum level;
(c) Policies that require the use of independent, unbiased inspectors to verify compliance with the standards called for in this;
(d) Procedures for reporting unsafe operations to agency aviation safety officers and senior aviation safety managers without reprisal;
(e) A system to collect and report information on aircraft accidents and incidents (as required by 49 CFR part 830 and 41 CFR 102-33.445 and 102-33.450 );
(f) Policies that identify clear standards for acceptable behavior; and
(g) A security program that includes-
(1) A designated security manager;
(2) A threat assessment process;
(3) Procedures for preventing and deterring unlawful acts;
(4) Procedures for responding to threats and unlawful acts;
(5) Security training for personnel; and
(6) Policies and procedures for a mail security plan that meet the mail security requirements contained in FMR 102-192, "Mail Management," Subpart C, "Security Requirements for All Agencies," §§ 102-192.70 through 102-192.80. Specifically, section 102-192.80 identifies topics that must be addressed in an agency's mail security plan, to include a plan to protect staff and all other occupants of agency facilities from hazards that might be delivered in the mail, which would include an agency's use of aircraft for mail delivery.

41 C.F.R. §102-33.180