41 C.F.R. § 101-25.109-2

Current through May 31, 2024
Section 101-25.109-2 - Equipment pools
(a) The provisions of this § 101-25.109-2 apply to Federal laboratories which occupy an area of 10,000 square feet or more and employ 25 or more technical or scientific personnel.
(b) Equipment pools shall be established in Federal laboratories so that laboratory and research equipment can be shared or allocated on a temporary basis to laboratory activities and individuals whose average use does not warrant the assignment of the equipment on a permanent basis. In determining the number and location of equipment pools, consideration shall be given to economy of operation, mobility of equipment, accessibility to users, frequency of use of the equipment, and impact on research programs. Pooling operations should begin expeditiously, within 120 days, if feasible, following decisions regarding the number and location of pools. If it is determined that an equipment pool would not be practical or economical or for any other reason is not needed at a particular laboratory, a written report supporting that determination shall be submitted to the agency head or his designee. Federal laboratories which do not meet the size and staffing criteria in § 101-25.109-2(a) should also establish equipment pools whenever feasible; however, these facilities need not submit written reports regarding determinations not to establish pools.
(c) Where the establishment of a physical pool would be economically unfeasible due to excessive transportation and handling costs, limited personnel resources, or limited space, pooling may be accomplished by means of equipment listings. Consideration should be given to the establishment of a laboratory advisory committee consisting of technical and management personnel to determine the types of equipment to be shared or pooled and to identify equipment that is no longer required.
(1) Equipment pools may also be used to fill requests for temporary replacements while permanently assigned equipment is being repaired or to provide equipment for new laboratories pending acquisition of permanent equipment.
(2) Although specific pieces of laboratory equipment may not be available for assignment to equipment pools, they may be available for sharing or loan. Information concerning the availability of this equipment can be maintained at a central location such as the equipment pools.
(d) Unless determined unnecessary by the agency head or his designee, each Federal laboratory operating equipment pools shall prepare and submit to the agency head or his designee an annual report concerning the use and effectiveness of equipment pooling.
(e) The agency head or his designee shall ensure compliance by responsible personnel with the provisions of this § 101-25.109-2 and shall require that periodic independent reviews of equipment pool operations in Federal laboratories under his control be conducted to determine their effectiveness and to effect modifications as appropriate.

41 C.F.R. §101-25.109-2

43 FR 29004, July 5, 1978