Section 1517.6 - Notice of meetings(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the Council shall make a public announcement at least one week before a meeting, to include the following: (1) Time, place, and subject matter of the meeting;(2) Whether the meeting is to be open or closed; and(3) Name and telephone number of the official who will respond to requests for information about the meeting.(b) A majority of the members of the Council may determine by recorded vote that the business of the Council requires a meeting to be called with less than one week's notice. At the earliest practicable time, the Council shall publicly announce the time, place and subject matter of the meeting, and whether or not it is to be open or closed to the public.(c) If announcement of the subject matter of a closed meeting would reveal the information that the meeting itself was closed to protect, the subject matter shall not be announced.(d) Following the public announcement required by paragraph (a) or (b) of this section: (1) A majority of the members of the Council may change the time or place of a meeting. At the earliest practicable time, the Council shall publicly announce the change.(2) A majority of the entire membership of the Council may change the subject matter of a meeting, or the determination to open or close a meeting to the public, if it determines by a recorded vote that the change is required by the business of the Council and that no earlier announcement of the change was possible. At the earliest practicable time, the Council shall publicly announce the change, and the vote of each member upon the change.(e) Individuals or organizations having a special interest in activities of the Council may request the Council to place them on a mailing list for receipt of information available under this section.(f) Following public announcement of a meeting, the time or place of a meeting may be changed only if the change is announced publicly at the earliest practicable time. The subject matter of a meeting or the determination to open or close a meeting may be changed following public announcement of a meeting only if both of the following conditions are met:(1) There must be a recorded vote of a majority of the Council that the business of the Council requires the change and that no earlier announcement of such change was possible; and(2) There must be a public announcement of the change and of the individual Council members' votes at the earliest practicable time.(g) Immediately following each public announcement required by this section, the following information, as applicable, shall be submitted for publication in the FEDERAL REGISTER. (1) Notice of the time, place, and subject matter of a meeting;(2) Whether the meeting is open or closed;(3) Any change in one of the preceding; and(4) The name and telephone number of the official who will respond to requests for information about the meeting.