40 C.F.R. § 1065.1145

Current through May 31, 2024
Section 1065.1145 - Execution of accelerated aging, cycle tracking, and cycle validation criteria

The aging cycle generally consists first of practice runs to validate and tune the final cycle, followed by the actual running of the repeat cycles needed to accumulate field equivalent hours to reach full useful life. During the course of the aging run, various aging parameters are tracked to allow verification of proper cycle execution, as well as to allow for correction of the aging parameters to stay within the target limits.

(a)Preliminary cycle validation runs. Prior to the start of aging, conduct a number of practice runs to tune the cycle parameters. It is recommended that initial practice runs be conducted without the aftertreatment installed, but with the backpressure of the aftertreatment simulated to help ensure that the tuned cycle is representative. For final cycle tuning, including regenerations, it is recommended to use a duplicate or spare aftertreatment system of similar design to the target system, to avoid damage or excessive initial aging during the tuning. However, it is permissible to conduct final tuning using the target system being aged, but you must limit the total duration to no more than 100 field equivalent hours (10 hours of accelerated aging), including both thermal and chemical components. The process followed for these initial runs will vary depending on whether you are using an engine-based platform or a burner-based platform.
(1)Engine-based platform.
(i)Initial cycle development. It will be necessary to determine a set of engine modes that will generate the required combinations of temperature, exhaust flow, oil consumption, and NOX to meet the target aging requirements. The development of these modes will be an iterative process using the engine and independent temperature control features of the aging stand. This process assumes that you have already implemented the oil consumption increase modifications, and that these have already been stabilized and validated to reach the necessary levels of bulk oil exposure. In general, we recommend the use of higher engine speeds and loads to generate the desired oil consumption, leveraging the temperature controls as needed to lower temperature to the targets. Several iterations will likely be needed to reach all targets. Note that during transitions you may utilize any combination of conditions necessary to help primary component catalysts reach the target temperature and flow conditions within no more than 5 minutes. For example, you may use a higher exhaust flow rate and lower temperature to rapidly cool the aftertreatment system to the next temperature. NOX targets do not need to be met during transitions. It is permissible to deviate from engine-out NOX emission targets if needed to reach the temperature, exhaust flow, and oil consumption targets. We recommend that you maintain a NOX level that is at the target level or higher, but you may lower NOX by up to 25%, if necessary, on some modes. Note that validation of oil consumption requires at least 72 hours of operation. Tune the parameters for infrequent regeneration towards then end of this initial development process (such as hydrocarbon injection schedules and temperature ramp rates).
(ii)Final cycle validation. Once the cycle is tuned, conduct a final run using the target aftertreatment system to verify conditions and log temperatures for heat load calculation. Using the recorded cycle data, calculate Dt for all primary component catalysts to ensure that you are matching the desired Dt,cycle targets. If you are not within ±3% of the target Dt,cycle, adjust the cycle accordingly. Calculate Dt for any secondary catalyst components to verify that they are within ±3% of either the target Dt or the target aging metric. Note that the accelerated aging methodology assumes that the relationship between the temperature of the primary and secondary catalyst components will the be same as the field observations. If this relationship deviates in the lab by having more or less heat transfer through the system, it may be necessary to modify that relationship on the aging stand. You may need to take measures such as adding or removing insulation or utilize external cooling fans to help these parameters match more closely.
(2)Burner-based platform.
(i)Cycle development. The burner-based platform will be able to meet the exhaust flow, temperature, NOX, and oil consumption targets directly without the need for additional cycle development. This process assumes that you have already implemented and validated your oil consumption exposure methods to reach the necessary levels of bulk oil exposure. In addition, you must meet the oxygen and water targets during aging modes within ±2% for oxygen and ±2% for water. Note that during transitions you may utilize any combination of conditions necessary to help primary component catalysts reach the target temperature and flow conditions within no more than 5 minutes. For example, you may use a higher exhaust flow rate and lower temperature to rapidly cool the aftertreatment system to the next temperature. NOX, oxygen, and water targets do not need to be met during transitions.
(ii)Final cycle validation. Once the cycle is tuned, conduct a final run using the target aftertreatment system to verify conditions and log temperatures for heat load calculation. Using the recorded cycle data, calculate Dt for all primary components catalysts to ensure that you are matching the desired Dt,cycle targets. If you are not within ±3% of the target Dt,cycle, adjust the cycle accordingly. Calculate Dt for any secondary catalyst components to check that they are within ±3% of either the target Dt or the target aging metric. Note that the accelerated aging methodology assumes that the relationship between the temperature of the primary and secondary catalyst components will the be same as that observed in the field. If this relationship deviates in the lab by having more or less heat transfer through the system, it may be necessary to modify that relationship on the aging stand. You may need to take measures such as adding or removing insulation or utilize external cooling fans to help these parameters match more closely.
(b)Aftertreatment break in. Break in the emission-data engine and aftertreatment prior to the initial zero-hour test by running both on an engine dynamometer as described in subpart E of this part. Use good engineering judgment to develop a representative cycle that represents the field data. You may use the same data used for accelerated aging cycle development or other data. If your system utilizes infrequent regeneration, include at least one complete regeneration event, but we recommend that you include at least two such events to stabilize emissions performance. Your break in process must include at least 125 hours of engine operation with the aftertreatment system. You may ask to use a longer break in duration based on good engineering judgment, to ensure that emission performance is stabilized prior to the zero-hour testing.
(c)Initial emission testing. Prior to the start of accelerated aging conduct the initial zero-hour emission test and any required engine dynamometer aging following the requirements of the standard setting part for your engine. Dynaometer aging hours count toward the total aging hours.
(d)Accelerated aging. Following zero-hour emission testing and any engine dynamometer aging, perform accelerated aging using the cycle validated in either paragraph (a)(1) or (2) of this section. Repeat the cycle the number of times required to reach full useful life equivalent aging. Interrupt the aging cycle as needed to conduct any scheduled intermediate emission tests, clean the DPF of accumulated ash, and for any facility releated reasons. We recommended you interrupt aging at the end of a given aging cycle, following the completion of any scheduled infrequent regeneration event.
(e)QA tracking and validation. During aging, track a number of aging parameters to ensure that fall within the required limits. Correct aging parameters as need to remain within the required control limits.
(1)Thermal load tracking. For each primary catalyst component, generate a target line which describes the relationship between aging hours on the cycle and cumulative deactivation, Dt. Generate control limit lines that are ±3% of the target line. You must remain within these control limits over the course of aging. Adjust aging parameters as needed to remain within these limits for the primary catalyst components. For each secondary catalyst component, generate both a target Dt line and a line describing the target behavior of the aging metric directly. You must remain within either ±10% of either the Dt line or ±3% of the aging metric target line for any secondary catalyst component. Adjust aging parameters as needed to remain within these limits noting that you must remain within limits for the primary components. Adjusting the secondary catalyst aging may require altering heat transfer through the system to make it more representative of the field aging.
(2)Oil consumption tracking. Generate a target oil consumption line for both the bulk and volatile pathway which describes the relationship between oil exposure and aging hours on the cycle. For the engine-based stand the control limits are ±10% for total oil consumption, noting that the volatile pathway must not exceed 30% of the total. For the burner-based stand, the controls limits are ±5% for both pathways, which are tracked separately.
(i)Changing engine oil. For an engine-based platform, periodically change engine oil to maintain stable oil consumption rates and maintain the health of the aging engine. Interrupt aging as needed to perform oil changes. Perform a drain-and-weigh measurement. Following an oil change you must run at least 4 hours with the exhaust bypassing the aftertreatment system to stabilize the new oil. If you see a sudden change in oil consumption it may be necessary to stop aging and either change oil or correct an issue with the accelerated oil consumption. If the aging engine requires repairs to correct an oil consumption issue in the middle of aging, you must re-validate the oil consumption rate for 72 hours before you continue aging. The engine exhaust should be left bypassing the aftertreatment system until the repaired engine has been validated.
(ii)Secondary oil consumption validation. If your aftertreatment includes a diesel particulate filter, we recommend that you perform secondary validation of oil consumption by using clean (soot free) DPF weights to track ash loading and compare this mass of ash to the amount predicted using the measured oil consumption mass and the oil ash concentration. The mass of ash found by DPF weight should fall within a range of (55 to 70)% of the of mass predicted from oil consumption measurements. Perform this validation at the end of aging, at any intermediate emission test points, and at any point where you need to clean the DPF of accumulated ash in according with recommended maintenance.
(iii)Sulfur tracking. Generate a fuel sulfur exposure line describing the relationship between aging hours and cumulative target sulfur exposure mass. The control limits for sulfur exposure are ±3%. Log actual fuel consumption and the measured fuel sulfur level of the current batch of fuel (if you are doping fuel to accelerate sulfur exposure) for engine stand aging. Use these measurements to ensure that sulfur exposure remains within the control limits. Adjust sulfur doping levels in the fuel from batch to batch as needed to stay within limits. If you use gaseous SO2 for sulfur acceleration, monitor the mass flow rate of the gaseous sulfur. Use these measurements to calculate total sulfur mass exposure, and correct SO2 gas flow rates as needed to stay within the control limits.
(f)Emission testing at intermediate and final test points. Conduct emission testing at the end of aging and at any intermediate emission test points as described in the standard setting part. Following installation of the aged aftertreatment system on the emission-data engine at intermediate or final test points, prior to the start of emission testing, use good engineering judgment to operate the engine and aftertreatment system for a number of hours to stabilize emission controls and to allow any adaptive controls to update. Declare the number of stabilization hours prior to the start of the accelerated aging program.

40 C.F.R. §1065.1145

88 FR 4691, 3/27/2023