The provisions of this section apply separately for calculating emission credits for NOX, NOX + HC, or PM.
Emission credits (kg) = (Std - FEL) * (Volume) * (Power) * (LF) * (UL) * (10-3)
Std = The emission standard, in g/kW-hr.
FEL = The family emission limit for the engine family, in g/kW-hr.
Volume = The number of engines eligible to participate in the averaging, banking, and trading program within the given engine family during the model year, as described in paragraph (c) of this section.
Power = The average value of maximum engine power of all the engine configurations within an engine family, calculated on a production-weighted basis, in kilowatts.
LF = Load factor. Use 0.69 for propulsion marine engines and 0.51 for auxiliary marine engines. We may specify a different load factor if we approve the use of special test procedures for an engine family under 40 CFR 1065.10(c)(2) , consistent with good engineering judgment.
UL = The useful life for the given engine family, in hours.
40 C.F.R. §1042.705