40 C.F.R. § 704.180

Current through November 30, 2024
Section 704.180 - Asbestos
(a)Definitions. The definitions in subpart A of this part apply to § 704.180 unless otherwise specified in this section.

Asbestos is a collective term meaning any of the substances listed in Table 1 of this paragraph (a).

Table 1 to Paragraph (a)-CASRN of Asbestos Types

CASRN Asbestos type
NALibby amphibole asbestos (mainly consisting of tremolite [CASRN 77536-68-6], winchite [CASRN 12425-92-2], and richterite [CASRN 17068-76-7]).

Bulk asbestos means any quantity of asbestos fiber of any type or grade, or combination of types or grades, that is mined or milled with the purpose of obtaining asbestos. This term does not include asbestos that is produced or processed as a contaminant or an impurity.

Bulk materials containing asbestos means bulk materials in which asbestos is being mined or milled as an impurity.

Chemical Information Submission System or CISS means EPA's electronic, web-based reporting tool for the completion and submission of CDR data, reports, and other information, or its successors.

Form A means an abbreviated form for persons who know or can reasonably ascertain that they manufactured (including imported) or processed asbestos, including as an impurity, during the reporting period described in paragraph (f) of this section but do not know and cannot reasonably ascertain the amount of asbestos manufactured (including imported) or processed by them.

Form B means the standard form to be used by persons who know or can reasonably ascertain that they manufactured (including imported) or processed asbestos, including as an impurity, during the reporting period described in paragraph (f) of this section and know or can reasonably ascertain how much asbestos they manufactured (including imported) or produced.

Primary processor means a person who starts with bulk asbestos or bulk materials containing asbestos, and makes a mixture that contains asbestos as a component.

Secondary processor means a person who further processes asbestos, after primary processing of asbestos is completed, including as a component of a mixture, or an article containing asbestos.

Small processor means any processor whose total annual sales, when combined with those of its parent company (if any), are less than $12 million.

(b)Substance for which reports must be submitted. The requirements of this section apply to asbestos, including asbestos in bulk form, in an article and/or product, as an impurity, or as a component of a mixture.
(c)Persons who must report. Persons (i.e., plant sites) who have manufactured (including imported), or processed asbestos, including asbestos as a component of a mixture, asbestos in articles, or asbestos as an impurity in the four full calendar years prior to the effective date of this rule, and with annual sales greater than or equal to $500,000, in any calendar year from 2019 to 2022, when combined with those of their ultimate parent company (if any), must report under this subpart.
(d)Persons exempt from reporting. A person who is subject to reporting requirements pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section is exempt from the requirements in this subpart to the extent that the person and that person's use of asbestos is described in this paragraph (d).
(1)Non-isolated intermediate. A person who manufactures or proposes to manufacture asbestos, as described in paragraph (c) of this section, solely as a non-isolated intermediate is exempt from the reporting requirements of this subpart.
(2)Research and development. A person who manufactures (including imports), processes, or proposes to manufacture (including import), or process asbestos, as described in paragraph (c) of this section, only in small quantities solely for research and development is exempt from the reporting requirements of this subpart.
(3)Small manufacturers (including importers) and processors. Small manufacturers (including importers) and processors are exempt from the reporting requirements of this subpart for Libby amphibole asbestos only.
(4)Byproducts. A person who manufactures (including imports) or proposes to manufacture (including import) asbestos solely as a byproduct is exempt from the reporting requirements of this subpart.
(e)Reporting information to EPA. Persons described in paragraph (c) of this section and not described and exempted in paragraph (d) of this section must report to EPA the following information, to the extent known to or reasonably ascertainable by them. In the event that specific numeric data are not known or are not reasonably ascertainable by the submitter, then reasonable estimates may be submitted.
(1)Required forms. Report using the appropriate Form, based on whether you know or can reasonably ascertain a quantity for asbestos.
(i)Form A. Report using Form A if you know or can reasonably ascertain that asbestos, including as a component of a mixture or article, or as an impurity, but are unable to determine the asbestos quantity by weight.
(ii)Form B. Report using Form B if you know or can reasonably ascertain a quantity for asbestos, including as a component of a mixture or article, or as an impurity.
(2)A certification statement signed and dated by an authorized official of the submitter company. The authorized official must certify that the submitted information has been completed in compliance with the requirements of this part and that the confidentiality claims made on Form A or Form B are true and correct. The certification must be signed and dated by the authorized official for the submitter company, and provide that person's name, official title, and email address.
(3)Company and plant site information. The following currently correct company and plant site information must be reported for each site at which a reportable chemical substance is manufactured (including imported) or processed (see § 704.3 for the definition of "site," which includes what "site" means for importers):
(i)Company name. The highest-level U.S. parent company name, address, and Dun and Bradstreet D-U-N-S® (D&B) number. A submitter under this part must obtain a D&B number for the U.S. parent company if none exists.
(ii)Authorized official. The name of a person who will serve as Authorized Official for the submitter company, and who will be able to sign the certification statement as described in paragraph (e)(2) of this section, the Authorized Official's full mailing address, telephone number, and email address.
(iii)Point of contact. The name of a person who will serve as technical contact for the submitter company, and who will be able to answer questions about the information submitted by the company to EPA, the contact person's full mailing address, telephone number, and email address.
(iv)Site information. The site name, full street address, including the county or parish (or other jurisdictional indicator) in which the plant site is located. Also report the following:
(A) The appropriate D&B number for the plant site. If none exists, you must obtain a D&B number for the reported site.
(B) Other site identification numbers, including the Facility Registry Service (FRS) identification number, if they exist.
(v)Applicable NAICS code. The six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code(s) of the site.
(vi)Number of employees. The total number of employees at the site. Select from among the ranges of employees listed in Table 2 of this paragraph (e) and report the corresponding code (i.e., W1 through W8):

Table 2 to Paragraph (e)-Codes for Reporting Number of Employees

Code Range
W1Fewer than 10 employees.
W2At least 10 but fewer than 25 employees.
W3At least 25 but fewer than 50 employees.
W4At least 50 but fewer than 100 employees.
W5At least 100 but fewer than 500 employees.
W6At least 500 but fewer than 1,000 employees.
W7At least 1,000 but fewer than 10,000 employees.
W8At least 10,000 employees.

(4)Activity information. The following activity information must be reported.
(i)Type of activity at reporting site. Report all that apply.
(A) Mining of bulk asbestos or bulk materials containing asbestos, including as an impurity.
(B) Milling of bulk asbestos or bulk materials containing asbestos, including as an impurity.
(C) Importing of bulk asbestos or bulk materials containing asbestos, including as an impurity.
(1)For importing only. For importing only, if the imported bulk material was never physically present at the reporting site.
(2) [Reserved]
(D) Primary processing of bulk asbestos or bulk materials containing asbestos, including as an impurity.
(E) Secondary processing of asbestos, including as a component of a mixture, or an article containing asbestos.
(F) Importing of asbestos, including as a component of a mixture, or an article containing asbestos.
(ii)For importing only. For importing only, if the imported bulk material was never physically present at the reporting site.
(iii)Form B only. For mining, milling, or importing of bulk asbestos reported under activity in paragraphs (e)(4)(i)(A) through (C) of this section, report by year:
(A)The most specific asbestos type that applies. Select from among the asbestos types listed in Table 1 of paragraph (a) in this section. If the specific asbestos type is not known or reasonably ascertainable, report the general listing, "asbestos CASRN 1332-21-4".
(B)Report. For each asbestos type, report the following:
(1) Quantity of asbestos, in pounds.
(2) Disposition of asbestos (see Table 3 to this paragraph (e)).

Table 3 to Paragraph (e)-Disposition

Code Disposition description
1Used on-site, including further processed.
2Stored on-site.
3Sent to another U.S. site (including intra-company transfer) for use or processing.
4Stored at another U.S. site (including intra-company transfer).
5Exported outside of the U.S. without further processing.
6Disposed of within the U.S. (explain).
7Other (explain).

(iv)Reporting information for mining, milling, or importing of bulk materials containing asbestos, including as an impurity. For mining, milling, or importing of bulk materials containing asbestos reported under the activity identified in paragraphs (e)(4)(i)(A) through (C) of this section, report by year:
(A) Bulk material type manufactured or processed.
(B) For Form B only, for each bulk material type:
(1) Quantity of bulk material manufactured or processed.
(2) Percent asbestos impurity by weight in bulk material.
(3) The most specific asbestos type that applies. Select from among the asbestos types listed in Table 1 to paragraph (a) of this section. If the specific asbestos type is not known or reasonably ascertainable, report the general listing, asbestos CASRN 1332-21-4.
(4) Any testing of or test results assessing the asbestos content of your bulk material in the applicable reporting years.
(i) If testing was conducted, specify how often testing was conducted on the presence of asbestos in your bulk material and what method and type of test was used for determining asbestos content, and provide the test results.
(ii) If testing was not conducted, explain how you knew or reasonably ascertained the presence and amount of asbestos in the bulk materials.
(C) For each bulk material type, the disposition of bulk material (see Table 3 of this paragraph (e)).
(D) For importing only, if the imported bulk material was never physically present at the reporting site.
(v)Reporting information for primary processors. For primary processing reported under activity identified in paragraph (e)(4)(i)(D) of this section, report by year:
(A) For Form B only, the total quantity of asbestos processed.
(B) End product type, selecting from products listed in Table 4 of this paragraph (e). If your end product is not listed, report "other" and provide a brief description. For each end product type, report:
(1) For Form B only, the most specific asbestos types that apply. Select from among the asbestos types listed in Table 1 in paragraph (a) of this section. If the specific asbestos types are not known or reasonably ascertainable, report the general listing, "asbestos CASRN 1332-21-4". Report also the total annual quantity of each of the asbestos types processed.
(2) The total annual production quantity of end products produced, using the associated unit of measure listed in Table 4 of this paragraph (e). If a unit of measure is not listed, provide the unit of measure associated with the quantity reported.
(3) For Form B only, the percentage of asbestos in the end product.
(4) For Form B only, the disposition of the end product (see Table 3 of this paragraph (e)).
(5) For Form B only, explain if you tested or received test results assessing the asbestos content of your end product in the applicable reporting years.
(i) If testing was conducted, specify how often testing was conducted on the presence of asbestos in your end product and what method and type of test was used for determining asbestos content, and provide the test results.
(ii) If testing was not conducted, explain how you knew or reasonably ascertain the presence and amount of asbestos in the end product.

Table 4 to Paragraph (e)-End Product Types

Code NameEnd product unit of measure
Papers, Felts, and Related Products
01Commercial paperShort Tons.
02RollerboardShort Tons.
03MillboardShort Tons.
04Pipeline wrapShort Tons.
05Beater-add gasketing paperShort Tons.
06High-grade electrical paperShort Tons.
07Unsaturated roofing feltShort Tons.
08Saturated roofing feltShort Tons.
09Flooring feltShort Tons.
10Corrugated paperShort Tons.
11Specialty paper (specify generic name)Short Tons.
12Other (specify generic name)(Specify).
Floor Coverings
13Vinyl asbestos floor tileSquare yards.
14Asbestos felt backed vinyl flooringSquare yards.
15Other (specify generic name)(Specify).
Asbestos Cement Products
16A/C pipe and fittingsShort Tons.
17A/C sheet, flat100 sq. ft.
18A/C sheet corrugated100 sq. ft.
19A/C shingleSquares.
20Other (specify generic name)(Specify).
Transportation Friction Materials (including aircrafts, marine vessels, railroad engine and railcars, and other vehicles)
21Drum brake lining (light-medium vehicle)Pieces.
22Disc brake pads (light-medium vehicle)Pieces.
23Disc brake pads (heavy vehicle)Pieces.
24Brake block (heavy equipment)Pieces.
25Clutch facings (all)Pieces.
26Automatic transmission friction componentsPieces.
27Friction materials (industrial and commercial)Pieces.
28Custom automotive body fillerPieces.
31Radiator top insulationPieces.
32Radiator sealantPieces.
33Other (specify generic name)(Specify).
34Appliance Industrial and consumer (specify generic name)Pieces.
35Other (specify generic name)(Specify).
Construction Products
36Boiler and furnace bafflesPieces.
37Decorated building panelsPieces.
38Asbestos cement sheetPieces.
39Flexible Air ConductorPieces.
40Hoods and VentsPieces.
41Portable construction buildingPieces.
42Roofing, saturatedPieces.
43Roof shinglesPieces.
45Wall/roofing panelsPieces.
46Other (specify generic name)(Specify).
Electrical Products and Components
47Cable insulationPieces.
48Electronic motor componentsPieces.
49Electrical resistance supportsPieces.
50Electrical switchboardPieces.
51Electrical switch supportsPieces.
52Electrical wire insulationPieces.
53Motor armaturePieces.
54Other (specify generic name)(Specify).
Fire and Heat Shielding Equipment and Components
55Arc deflectorsPieces.
56Fire doorsPieces.
57Fireproof absorbent paperShort Tons.
58Heat shieldsPieces.
59Molten metal handling equipmentPieces.
60Oven and stove insulationShort Tons.
61Pipe wrapPieces.
62Stove lining, wood and coalPieces.
63Stove pipe ringsPieces.
65Thermal InsulationShort Tons.
66Other (specify generic name)(Specify).
Textiles and Clothing
68Thread, yarn, lap, roving, cord, rope, or wickPounds.
71Gloves and mittensPieces.
72Hats and helmetsPieces.
75Aluminized clothShort Tons.
76Rope or braidingShort Tons.
77Yarn, lap or rovingShort Tons.
78WicksShort Tons.
80BeltingShort Tons.
82Carpet paddingShort Tons.
83Commercial/industrial dryer feltsShort Tons.
85Drip clothsPieces.
86Fire hosesPieces.
87Ironing board pads and insulationPieces.
88Mantles, lamp or catalytic heaterPieces.
89Packing and packaging componentsPieces.
90Piano and organ feltsPieces.
93Theater curtainsPieces.
95Other (specify generic name)(Specify).
96Sheet gasketing, rubber encapsulated beater additionPieces.
97Sheet gasketing, rubber encapsulated compressedPieces.
98Compressed sheet gasketing (other)Pieces.
99Metal reinforced gasketsPieces.
100Automotive gasketsPieces.
101Other (specify generic name)(Specify).
Marine Equipment and Supplies
102Caulks, marinePounds.
103Liners, pond or canalPieces.
104Marine bulkheadsPieces.
105Other (specify generic name)(Specify).
Paints, Coatings, Sealants and Compounds
106Asphaltic compoundsPounds.
107Automotive/truck body coatingsGallons.
108Buffing and polishing compoundsPounds.
109Caulking and patching compoundsPounds.
110Drilling fluidGallons.
111Flashing compoundsPounds.
112Furnace cementPounds.
113Glazing compoundsPounds.
114Plaster and stuccoPounds.
115Pump valve, flange and tank sealing componentsPieces.
116Roof coatingsGallons.
117Textured paintsGallons.
118Tile cementPounds.
119Other (specify generic name)(Specify).
Other Products
120Sheet gasketing (other than beater-add)Square yards.
123Paints and surface coatingsGallons.
124Adhesives and sealantsGallons.
125Asbestos-reinforced plasticsPounds.
126Insulation materials not elsewhere classified (specify generic name)(Specify).
127Mixed or repackaged asbestosShort Tons.
128Aerial distress flaresPieces.
129Acoustical productPieces.
130Ammunition waddingPieces.
131Ash traysPieces.
132Baking sheetsPieces.
135Chemical tanks and vesselsPieces.
138Gun gripsPieces.
139Jewelry making equipmentPieces.
141Lamp socketsPieces.
142Light bulbs (all types)Pieces.
143Linings for vaults, safes, humidifiers and filing cabinetsPieces.
144Phonograph recordsPieces.
145Pottery clayPounds.
146Welding rod coatingsPieces.
147Other (specify generic name)(Specify).

(vi)Reporting information for secondary processors. For secondary processing reported under the activity identified in paragraph (e)(4)(i)(E) of this section, report by year:
(A) For Form B only, the estimated total quantity of asbestos processed.
(B) End product type listed in Table 4 of this paragraph (e). For each product type, report:
(1) For Form B only, the most specific asbestos types that apply. Select from among the asbestos types listed in Table 1 in paragraph (a) of this section. If the specific asbestos type is not known or reasonably ascertainable, report the general listing, asbestos CASRN 1332-21-4. Also report the quantity of each type of asbestos.
(2) The total annual production quantity of the end products produced, using the associated unit of measure listed in Table 4 of this paragraph (e).
(3) For Form B only, the percentage of asbestos in the end product.
(i) If testing was conducted, specify how often testing was conducted on the presence of asbestos in your products and what method and type of test was used for determining asbestos content, and provide the test results.
(ii) If testing was not conducted, explain how you knew or reasonably ascertained the presence and amount of asbestos in the end product.
(4) For Form B only, the disposition of the end product (see Table 3 of this paragraph (e)).
(vii)Reporting information for importers. For importing reported under an activity identified in paragraph (e)(4)(i)(F) of this section, report by year:
(A) For Form B only, the estimated total quantity of asbestos imported.
(B) Imported product type (Table 4 of this paragraph (e)). For each imported product type, report:
(1) Whether the imported product is a mixture or an article.
(2) For Form B only, the most specific asbestos types that apply. Select from among the asbestos types listed in Table 1 in paragraph (a) of this section. If a specific asbestos type is not known or reasonably ascertainable, report the general listing, "asbestos CASRN 1332-21-4". Also report the quantity of each asbestos type.
(3) The total annual import quantity of the imported product, using the associated unit of measure listed in Table 4 of this paragraph (e).
(4) Whether the imported asbestos was never physically present at the reporting site.
(5) For Form B only, the percentage of asbestos in the product.
(6) For Form B only, explain if you tested or received test results assessing the asbestos content of your imported product in the applicable reporting years.
(i) If testing was conducted, specify how often testing was conducted on the presence of asbestos in your imported product and what method and type of test was used for determining asbestos content, and provide the test results.
(ii) If testing was not conducted, explain how you knew or reasonably ascertained the presence and amount of asbestos in the imported product.
(7) For Form B only, the disposition of the imported product (see Table 3 of this paragraph (e)).
(5)Employee information. For each activity reported, report the following information about employees at the associated site:
(i) Number of employees involved with activity. Select from among the ranges of employees listed in Table 2 of this paragraph (e) and report the corresponding code (i.e., W1 through W8).
(ii) Is personal protective equipment used? If yes, identify the type(s) of personal protective equipment used.
(iii) For Form B only, submit any workplace exposure measurement assessments and data (e.g., monitoring).
(f)When to report. All information reported to EPA under this section must be submitted during the applicable submission period. The submission period shall begin six months following the effective date of this rule and last for three months.
(g)Recordkeeping requirements. Each person who reports under this part must maintain records that document information reported under this part and in accordance with TSCA, permit access to, and the copying of such records by EPA officials. Relevant records must be retained for a period of five years beginning on the last day of the submission period.
(h)Confidentiality claims -
(1)Assertion of confidentiality claims -
(i)Generally. Any person submitting information under this part may assert a confidentiality claim for that information, except for information described in paragraph (h)(1)(ii) of this section. Any such confidentiality claims must be asserted electronically, pursuant to § 704.180(i) , at the time the information is submitted. Information claimed as confidential in accordance with this section will be treated and disclosed in accordance with the procedures in 40 CFR part 2 and section 14 of TSCA.
(ii)Exceptions. Confidentiality claims may not be asserted with respect to the following:
(A) Site NAICS code required by § 704.180(e)(3)(v) ;
(B) For chemical identities and bulk material forms required by §§ 704.180(e)(4)(iii)(A), (iv)(A), (iv)(B) (3), (v)(B)(1), (vi)(B)(1), and (vii)(B)(2);
(C) Any data element that is left blank or designated as "not known or reasonably ascertainable;" or
(D) Health and safety data required by § 704.180(e)(5)(iii) , except that the following information may be claimed as confidential:
(1) Information that would reveal processes used in the manufacturing, importing, or processing of the substance or mixture, or the portion of a mixture comprised by any of the substances in the mixture, provided that the information is expressly identified as revealing processing information or portion of a mixture;
(2) Company name or address, financial statistics, and product codes used by a company and contained in a study; and
(3) Information other than company name or address, financial statistics, and product codes used by a company, which is contained in a study, the disclosure of which would clearly be an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy (such as individual medical records).
(iii)Certification statement for claims. An authorized official representing a person asserting a claim of confidentiality must certify that the submission complies with the requirements of this part by signing and dating the following certification statement:

"I certify that all claims for confidentiality asserted with this submission are true and correct, and all information submitted herein to substantiate such claims is true and correct. Any knowing and willful misrepresentation is subject to criminal penalty pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1001 . I further certify that: I have taken reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of the information; I have determined that the information is not required to be disclosed or otherwise made available to the public under any other Federal law; I have a reasonable basis to conclude that disclosure of the information is likely to cause substantial harm to the competitive position of my company; and I have a reasonable basis to believe that the information is not readily discoverable through reverse engineering."

(2)Substantiation -
(i)Requirement to substantiate. Confidentiality claims must be substantiated at the time of submission to EPA, unless exempt under paragraph (h)(2)(iv) of this section.
(ii)Information in substantiations may be claimed as confidential. Such claims must be accompanied by the certification described in paragraph (h)(1)(iii) of this section, but need not be themselves substantiated.
(iii)Substantiation questions for all claims. Answers to the following questions must be provided for each confidentiality claim in a TSCA submission:
(A) Please specifically explain what harm to the competitive position of your business would be likely to result from the release of the information claimed as confidential. How would that harm be substantial? Why is the substantial harm to your competitive position likely (i.e., probable) to be caused by release of the information rather than just possible? If you claimed multiple types of information to be confidential (e.g., site information, exposure information, environmental release information), explain how disclosure of each type of information would be likely to cause substantial harm to the competitive position of your business.
(B) Has your business taken precautions to protect the confidentiality of the disclosed information? If yes, please explain and identify the specific measures, including but not limited to internal controls, that your business has taken to protect the information claimed as confidential. If the same or similar information was previously reported to EPA as non-confidential (such as in an earlier version of this submission), please explain the circumstances of that prior submission and reasons for believing the information is nonetheless still confidential.
(1) Is any of the information claimed as confidential required to be publicly disclosed under any other Federal law? If yes, please explain.
(2) Does any of the information claimed as confidential otherwise appear in any public documents, including (but not limited to) safety data sheets; advertising or promotional material; professional or trade publications; state, local, or Federal agency files; or any other media or publications available to the general public? If yes, please explain why the information should be treated as confidential.
(3) Does any of the information claimed as confidential appear in one or more patents or patent applications? If yes, please provide the associated patent number or patent application number (or numbers) and explain why the information should be treated as confidential.
(D) Is the claim of confidentiality intended to last less than 10 (ten) years (see TSCA section 14(e)(1)(B))? If yes, please indicate the number of years (between 1 (one) and 10 (ten) years) or the specific date after which the claim is withdrawn.
(E) Has EPA, another federal agency, or court made any confidentiality determination regarding information associated with this chemical substance? If yes, please provide the circumstances associated with the prior determination, whether the information was found to be entitled to confidential treatment, the entity that made the decision, and the date of the determination.
(iv)Exemptions from the substantiation requirement. Confidentiality claims are exempt from the requirement to substantiate the claim at the time of submission for the data elements required pursuant to paragraphs (e)(4)(iii)(B)(1), (iv)(B)(1), (v)(A), (v)(B)(2), (vi)(A), (vi)(B)(2), (vii)(A), and (vii)(B)(3) of this section.
(v)No claim of confidentiality. Information not claimed as confidential in accordance with the requirements of this section may be made public without further notice.
(vi)Public copies. Submissions and their accompanying attachments that include a confidentiality claim must be accompanied, at the time of submission, by a public version of the submission and any attachments, with all information that is claimed as confidential removed. Only information that is claimed as confidential may be redacted or removed. Generally, a public copy that removes all or substantially all of the information would not meet the requirements of this paragraph.
(A) Where the electronic reporting tool contains a checkbox or other means of designating with specificity what information is claimed as confidential, no further action by the submitter is required to satisfy this requirement.
(B) For all other information claimed as confidential, including but not limited to information in attachments and in substantiations required under paragraph (h) of this section, the submitter must prepare and attach a public copy. Submissions with public or sanitized copies that are entirely blank or that are substantially reduced in length as compared to the CBI version will not meet the requirements of this paragraph (h)(2)(vi) of this section.
(i)Electronic reporting. You must use the EPA Central Data Exchange (CDX) to complete and submit the information required under this section. Submissions may only be made as set forth in this paragraph. Submissions must be sent electronically to EPA using the asbestos reporting tool in CDX. The information submitted and all attachments (unless the attachment appears in scientific literature) must be in English. All information must be true and correct. Access the asbestos reporting tool and instructions, as follows:
(1)By website. Access the asbestos reporting tool via the CDX homepage at https://cdx.epa.gov/ and follow the applicable instructions.
(2)By phone or email. Contact the EPA TSCA Hotline at (202) 554-1404 or TSCA-Hotline@epa.gov.

40 C.F.R. §704.180

88 FR 47800 , July 25, 2023; 88 FR 84242 , Dec. 5, 2023
88 FR 47800 , 8/24/2023; 88 FR 84242 , 12/5/2023