Section 256.05 - Annual work program(a) The annual work program submitted for financial assistance under section 4008(a)(1) and described in the grant regulations ( 40 CFR part 35 ) shall be reviewed by the Administrator in order to determine whether the State plan is being implemented by the State.(b) The Administrator and the State shall agree on the contents of the annual work program. The Administrator will consider State initiatives and priorities, in light of the goals of the Act, in determining annual work programs for each State. The annual work program represents a State's obligation incurred by acceptance of financial assistance.(c) Annual guidance for the development of State work programs will be issued by EPA. While this guidance will establish annual national priorities, flexibility will be provided in order to accommodate differing State priorities.(d) The following documents developed under the State plan shall be included by reference in the annual work program: (1) Substate solid waste management plans,(2) Plans for the development of facilities and services, including hazardous waste management facilities and services, and(3) Evidence of actions or steps taken to close or upgrade open dumps.(e) The annual work program shall allocate the distribution of Federal funds to agencies responsible for the development and implementation of the State plan.