Section 247.1 - Purpose and scope(a) The purpose of this guideline is to assist procuring agencies in complying with the requirements of section 6002 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA), as amended, 42 U.S.C. 6962 , and Executive Order 12873, as they apply to the procurement of the items designated in subpart B of this part.(b) This guideline designates items that are or can be made with recovered materials and whose procurement by procuring agencies will carry out the objectives of section 6002 of RCRA. EPA's recommended practices with respect to the procurement of specific designated items are found in the companion Recovered Materials Advisory Notice(s).(c) EPA believes that adherence to the recommendations in the Recovered Materials Advisory Notice(s) constitutes compliance with RCRA section 6002. However, procuring agencies may adopt other types of procurement programs consistent with RCRA section 6002.