40 C.F.R. § 98 app Table NN-1 to Subpart NN of Part 98

Current through May 31, 2024
Appendix Table NN-1 to Subpart NN of Part 98 - Default Factors for Calculation Methodology 1 of This Subpart

Fuel Default higher heating value1 Default CO2
(kg CO2/MMBtu)
Natural Gas1.026 MMBtu/Mscf53.06
Propane3.84 MMBtu/bbl62.87
Normal butane4.34 MMBtu/bbl64.77
Ethane2.85 MMBtu/bbl59.60
Isobutane4.16 MMBtu/bbl64.94
Pentanes plus4.62 MMBtu/bbl70.02

1 Conditions for higher heating values presented in MMBtu/bbl are 60 °F and saturation pressure.

40 C.F.R. 98 app Table NN-1 to Subpart NN of Part 98

78 FR 71977, Nov. 29, 2013