40 C.F.R. § 86 app I to Subpart S of Part 86
I. Test Sampling: The master owner list will be obtained from manufacturer records or owner registration lists. The list shall include all vehicle configurations of the target reality check test group within the selected mailing area. The mailing area shall be within a radius of at least 20 miles from the test site.
II. Selection Guidelines: The manufacturer or their representative shall make a reasonable effort to contact potential participants. Solicitation letters will be sent to potential participants in the order of their appearance on a randomized master owner list. The manufacturer or their representative shall perform the following steps:
(a) The manufacturer or their representative shall mail solicitation letters in batches. The size of each batch is at least five times the required number of vehicles to be tested for the group that year. First class mail shall be used.
(b) If the response rate is less than 20% after two to four weeks, the manufacturer or their representative shall make one more attempt and send a new solicitation package to the potential participants who have not yet responded.
(c) A telephone questionnaire will be conducted on a random selection of returned, positive-response postcards.
(d) If the required number of vehicles is not obtained, additional solicitation letters shall be sent to the next batch of potential participants in the order of their appearance on a randomized master owner list until the required number of vehicles are procured.
(e) Alternative selection methods may be used with advanced approval from the Administrator.
III. Vehicles Not Available: Vehicles may not be available or will not be pursued for procurement for the following reasons:
(a) The potential participant response indicates "not willing to participate."
(b) The customer has moved out of the area.
(c) The solicitation letter is undeliverable.
(d) The customer did not respond after two attempts.
(e) The vehicle is not in the appropriate mileage or age category.
40 C.F.R. 86 app I to Subpart S of Part 86