40 C.F.R. § 63 app B to Subpart T of Part 63

Current through November 30, 2024
Appendix B to Subpart T of Part 63 - General Provisions Applicability to Subpart T

ReferenceApplies to subpart T Comments
63.1(a) (1)-(3)YesYes
63.1(a)(4)YesYesSubpart T (this appendix) specifies applicability of each paragraph in subpart A to subpart T.
63.1(a) (6)-(8)YesYes
63.1(a)(11)NoNoSubpart T allows submittal of notifications and reports through the U.S. mail, fax, and courier. Subpart T requires that the postmark for notifications and reports submitted through the U.S. mail or other non-Governmental mail carriers be on or before deadline specified in an applicable requirement.
63.1(a) (12)-(14)YesYes
63.1(b)(1)NoNoSubpart T specifies applicability.
63.1(b)(3)NoNoSubpart T requires that a record of halogenated cleaning machine applicability determination be kept on site for 5 years, or until the cleaning machine changes its operations. The record shall be sufficiently detailed to allow the Administrator to make a finding about the source's applicability status with regard to subpart T.
63.1(c)(2)YesYesSubpart T, § 63.460(h) exempts area sources subject to this subpart from the obligation to obtain Title V operating permits.
63.1(c)(5)YesYesSubpart T does not require continuous monitoring systems (CMS) or continuous opacity monitoring systems. Therefore, notifications and requirements for CMS and COMS specified in subpart A do not apply to subpart T.
63.2YesYesSubpart T definitions (§ 63.461 ) for existing and new overlap with the definitions for existing source and new source in subpart A (§ 63.2 ). Both subpart A and T also define Administrator.
63.4(a) (1)-(3)YesYes
63.5(b)(3)NoNoSubpart T overrides the requirement for approval prior to constructing a new or reconstructing an existing major source.
63.5 (d)-(f)NoNoSubpart T overrides the requirement to submit an application for approval of construction or reconstruction of a halogenated solvent cleaning machine.
63.6(b) (1)-(5)YesYesSubpart T, § 63.460 , specifies compliance dates.
63.6(b)(7)NoNoSubpart T has the same requirements for affected halogenated HAP solvent cleaning machine subcategories that are located at area sources as it does for those located at major sources.
63.6(c)(1)-(2)YesYesSubpart T allows 3 years from the date of promulgation for both area and major existing sources to comply.
63.6(c) (3)-(4)NoNo
63.6(c)(5)YesYesSubpart T has the same requirements for affected halogenated HAP solvent cleaning machine subcategories that are located at area sources as it does for those located at major sources.
Subpart T allows 3 years from the date of promulgation for both area and major existing sources to comply.
63.6(e)(3)NoNoSubpart T overrides the requirement of a startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan. Subpart T specifies startup and shutdown procedures to be followed by an owner or operator for batch vapor and in-line cleaning machines.
63.6(h)NoNoSubpart T does not require compliance with an opacity or visible emission standard.
63.6(i) (1)-(14)YesYes
63.7(a)NoYesSubpart T gives owners or operators the option to perform an idling emission performance test as a way of demonstrating compliance. Other options are also available that do not require a performance test.
63.7(b)NoYesThis is only required for those owners or operators that choose the idling emission standard as their compliance option.
63.7(c)(1)NoYesThis is only required for those owners or operators that choose the idling emission standard as their compliance option.
63.7(c) (2)-(3)NoNoSubpart T does not require a site-specific test plan for the idling emission performance test.
63.7(c)(4)NoNoSubpart T does not require a performance test that involves the retrieval of gas samples, and therefore this does not apply.
63.7(d)NoNoRequirements do not apply to the idling emission performance test option.
63.7(g)NoYesSubpart T specifies what is required to demonstrate idling emission standard compliance through the use of the Environmental Protection Agency test method 307 and control device monitoring. Reports and records of testing and monitoring are required for compliance verification. Three runs of the test are required for compliance, as specified in § 63.7(e) of subpart A.
63.7(h)NoNoSubpart T does not require the use of a performance test to comply with the standard. The idling emission standard option (which requires an idling emission performance test) is an alternative option offered to owners or operators of batch vapor and in-line cleaning machines for compliance flexibility.
63.8 (a)-(b)YesYes
63.8 (c)-(e)NoNoSubpart T does not require the use of continuous monitoring systems to demonstrate compliance.
63.8(g)NoNoSubpart T does not require continuous opacity monitoring systems and continuous monitoring systems data.
63.9(a) (1)-(4)YesYes
63.9(b)(2)YesYesSubpart T includes all of those requirements stated in subpart A, except that subpart A also requires a statement as to whether the affected source is a major or an area source, and an identification of the relevant standard (including the source's compliance date). Subpart T also has some more specific information requirements specific to the affected source (see subpart T, §§ 63.468(a)-(b) ).
63.9(b)(3)YesYesThe subpart A and subpart T initial notification reports differ (see above).
63.9(b)(4)NoNoSubpart T does not require an application for approval of construction or reconstruction.
63.9(e)YesYesUnder subpart T, this requirement only applies to owners or operators choosing to comply with the idling emissions standard.
63.9(f)NoNoSubpart T does not require opacity or visible emission observations.
63.9(g)(1)NoNoSubpart T does not require the use of continuous monitoring systems or continuous opacity monitoring systems.
63.9(h)NoNoSection 63.468 of subpart T requires an initial statement of compliance for existing sources to be submitted to the Administrator no later than 150 days after the compliance date specified in § 63.460(d) of subpart T. For new sources, this report is to be submitted to the Administrator no later than 150 days from the date specified in § 63.460(c) .
63.9(k)YesYesOnly as specified in § 63.9(j) .
63.10(b)NoNoRecordkeeping requirements are specified in subpart T.
63.10(c) (1)-(15)NoNoSubpart T does not require continuous monitoring systems.
63.10(d)(2)NoNoReporting requirements are specified in subpart T.
63.10(e) (l)-(2)NoNoSubpart T does not require continuous emissions monitoring systems.
63.10(e)(3)NoNoSubpart T does not require continuous monitoring systems.
63.10(e)(4)NoNoSubpart T does not require continuous opacity monitoring systems.
63.11(b)NoNoFlares are not a control option under subpart T.
63.12 (a)-(c)YesYes
63.13 (a)-(c)YesYes
63.14NoNoSubpart T requirements do not require the use of the test methods incorporated by reference in subpart A.

BCC = Batch Cold Cleaning Machines.

BVI = Batch Vapor and In-line Cleaning Machines.

40 C.F.R. 63 app B to Subpart T of Part 63

59 FR 61818, Dec. 2, 1994; 60 FR 29485, June 5, 1995, as amended at 70 FR 75346 , Dec. 19, 2005; 85 FR 73891 , Nov. 19, 2020
85 FR 73891 , 1/19/2021