40 C.F.R. § 63.1662-63 app Table 3 to Subpart KKKK of Part 63

Current through May 31, 2024
Appendix Table 3 to Subpart KKKK of Part 63 - Emission Limits for Affected Sources Using the Control Efficiency/Outlet Concentration Compliance Option

You must comply with the emission limits that apply to your affected source in the following table as required by § 63.3490(d) .

If you use the control efficiency/outlet concentration option to comply with the emission limitations for any coating operation(s) . . .Then you must comply with one of the following by using an emissions control system to . . .
1. in a new or reconstructed affected sourcea. reduce emissions of total HAP, measured as THC (as carbon),a by 97 percent; or
b. limit emissions of total HAP, measured as THC (as carbon),a to 20 ppmvd at the control device outlet and use a PTE.
2. in an existing affected sourcea. reduce emissions of total HAP, measured as THC (as carbon),a by 95 percent; or
b. limit emissions of total HAP, measured as THC (as carbon),a to 20 ppmvd at the control device outlet and use a PTE.

a You may choose to subtract methane from THC as carbon measurements.

40 C.F.R. 63.1662-63 app Table 3 to Subpart KKKK of Part 63